First cycle test Cyp dianabol


New member
Hello guys.
I'm new in this ' business ' and I apologize if I write something wrong, I'm here to learn more and I'd really appreciate your help.
I'm 22 years old, 170 cm and 74 kg, body fat 7-10%.
Now I go at gym 5-6 days /week and I have 6 meals /day+protein shakes and supplements.
I was in the gymnastics team since I was 8 years old and I just stopped 3 years ago, when I started go at gym.Since then, I read many articles and I tried to do my best, I always wanted to don't use stero, until I started to read more about and to understand what it's all about.
Now I decided to have my first cycle dianabol -> weeks 1~5
Test Cyp -> weeks 1~12
I want to take 25mg dianabol in the first week, 30 in the second and the other 3 weeks 40mg/day
Test Cyp I want to use 500 MG /week
I.d really appreciate if you'll can advice me if would be good to take Proviron in the same time with dianabol and something to prevent gyno, like aromasin..
I was thinking to use hcg from week 7 or 8, until the end of the cycle, but I read few articles who say that it's better to run it since you have the first pin, and I saw anothers who write that hcg can't be use more than 2-3 weeks because after that we need more than a month break.. And now I am a little bit confused, maybe you, guys, can tell me more about and how you'd run my cycle to make it safe and effective. I want to use liver protection, omega 3, vitamine E and C, too.
My pct it's Clomid and Nolvadex for 21 days, but if you have a better Ideea, please tell me.
I hope my cycle it's not so bad, but even if it's, I hope you'll have some good ideas for me ^^
All the best!!
Welcome to ology.

You are to young to be using steroids. At 22 your not done growing yet by injecting exogeneous test you have a good chance of freezing your growth plates. Yoir endocrine system isn't fully developed yet do you really want to take the chance and mess up this fragile system?

25 is tge recomended age. You have plenty natty potential yet learn to diet and train properly and you'll make great gains this stuff will be here when you platue.

There are so many things wrong with your proposal I'm not going to dissect it.

Read this thread and all its links to educate yourself:
Thank you for your answer.
I know that maybe, I am too young, but I saw many guys injecting at 16 years old or even younger, and I don't say that it's a good thing.
And I know it's not all good with my cycle, this is the reason because I.m asking here, to make it right.
Thank you for the link what you sent me, I.ll read it,too :)
Thank you for your answer.
I know that maybe, I am too young, but I saw many guys injecting at 16 years old or even younger, and I don't say that it's a good thing.
And I know it's not all good with my cycle, this is the reason because I.m asking here, to make it right.
Thank you for the link what you sent me, I.ll read it,too :)

there's no stopping someone who is dead set on running a cycle the best thing I can do at that point is steer you to the best place for you to educate yourself on doing things right.

I really hope you decide after reading those threads not to go through with it.
just got to weigh the risks vs the rewards and make a smart logical decision

here is an example -- 22 year old guy as great natural genetics,, he really wants to and thinks that he can excel in body building and possibly make a career out of it, he is gonna do what he needs to do and excel in this career, , knowing that means taking steroids -- thats the reward, he picks that along with the risks of --- being on trt and dependent on the needle for the rest of his life,, screwing up his hormones and never having the ability to produce his own natural testosterone and possibly never being able to have children,, constantly having to monitor blood pressure and RBC and always having to go donate blood,, etc. etc.
Thank you for answer, I apreciate your sincerity.
I know what risks are now.. Always will be, but this is what I want to do right now.. I didn't writed here to ask if it's good or wrong, when I writed I knew what risks I.m assuming using stero.
Better for the guys who Re 18 and say here that are 30, just to receive good ideas.