first cycle TEST E and DBOL


New member
hey i've been browsing around this site for sometime now and learning. i think i'm ready to do my first cycle.

230 LBS
6 ft
3 yrs training

1-14 TEST E 250mg/2xweek
1-4 dbol 40mg ed

16-20 clomid 50ed
16-20 Nolva 20/20/10/10/10/10

what do you guys think any advice would be appreciated like said first timer so go easy on me haha

thanks in advance
Looks good. If you want to keep your balls full and therefore recover quicker during your PCT, run Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) at 250iu 2 x p/w. You don't have to use both clomid and nova during PCT but it won't hurt you if you've got them. I like to take a natural test booster during post cycle therapy (pct). There's heaps of different ones. I like d-aspartic acid too.
Looks good. If you want to keep your balls full and therefore recover quicker during your PCT, run Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) at 250iu 2 x p/w. You don't have to use both clomid and nova during PCT but it won't hurt you if you've got them. I like to take a natural test booster during post cycle therapy (pct). There's heaps of different ones. I like d-aspartic acid too.

as a natural test booster would animal test be considered one cuz i've been using that for a while and really like it? and on the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) are you talking about running that durng the cycle or just during PCT?
I don't know what animal test is but I'm assuming it's a natural test booster so yes this would be fine. Not necessary but I love using them. You could even go with tribulus and zinc. Each to their own really everyone will have different opinions. See what works for you (i.e. how you feel, ball size, libido then bloodwork)

IMO Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is best used at that dose DURING cycle to maintain ball size. For everyone who agrees with this system, there's an equal amount who say screw it during cycle and blast it post or as you're coming off to get them back to size. Pick one way and stick to it. See which you prefer.

You can't purchase Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) from any sponsors here but all your other research chems like aromasin/adex/nolva/clomid etc. can be bought and all here are reputable.
hey rastas i tried replying to your PM but the sites not allowing me it says i dont' have enough privledges or something idk. but thanks
hey guys i was talking to a guy at the gym and he told me to try this instead what do you guys think? he said to do this so i don't have to Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is that even true?

1-14 test E 250mg/2xweek
1-4 dbol 40mg ed
1-20 aromasin 12.5mg eod
16-17 clomid 75ed
18-20 clomid 50ed
I've always just ran clomid 50mg a day for 5 wks, or 4 wks with nolva 40mg the first 2 wks of post cycle therapy (pct) then 20 the next 2
Hcg is used to bring the testes back the last 2 weeks of your cycle or keep them large the entire cycle. On the other hand aromasin is used for to maintain estrogen levels stable and some water weight off caused by too much estrogen. imo you dont need hcg, but will make recovery better and help keep most gains during pct.