First cycle TEST e one more injection and more adex?


New member
This is my first cycle I am taking 250 2x a week Test E along with Adex .5 e3d?
I gained 6 pounds my first to second week and I wasnt really eating that much because they told me to up my calories into the 4th week
Does this mean I got too bloated from Estrogen and I should be using more adex?
I am pretty sure it is not the sodium and my caloric intake aint that high it is like 250-500 above maintenance.
Also I want to get another shot of Test 250 so it kicks in already, so far I havent had any sides except for the bloat? You guys think it is a bad idea to do another 250 just one week so the Test kicks in faster and maybe cut a week off my cycle so instead of 12 weeks 11?
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Another shot won't make it kick in faster either. Fifty bucks will answer your question regarding estradiol, see Megatron28's signature for the labs that are most often used.

It's possible that your bloat is from estradiol, but at 1g of adex a week, I doubt it - unless you're pushing mid 20's or higher body fat percentage.

My .02c :)
Should I still run Adex , i have been reading it can kill some gains, and how many more pins would
It take to frontload it now 2 more?
Just pin twice a week. You don't have the knowledge or experience to be frontloading. Your not going to blow up over night like your wanting to. It just don't work like that.
Ok, what about adex, ive heard so many different opinions like dont even run if you have no side effects or just run 1mg a week, and some say 1mg a week might kill some gains but only bloodwork could tell.
Ok, what about adex, ive heard so many different opinions like dont even run if you have no side effects or just run 1mg a week, and some say 1mg a week might kill some gains but only bloodwork could tell.

Get educated... So you keep the AI on hand so if you get sides you will plug it in to TRY to reverse the sides. How do you know if you are having sides. So when you are in falling off the roof you will at that time tie off your safety rope... huh ? :dunno:

Low Estrogen Side Effects:

- Osteoporosis (weakened bones) ; (long-term low levels)
- Poor sex drive
- Fatigue
- Lethargy
- Skin quality diminishes
- Depression
- Poor sense of wellbeing & poor quality of life

High Estrogen Side Effects:

- Gynecomastia
- Anxiety & panic attacks
- Depression
- Erectile dysfunction
- Water retention
- High blood pressure
- Loss of balance/instability/dizziness
- Respiratory related concerns
- Irritability
- Low libido
- Insomnia
- Prostate related issues

AI killing gains, what bro-science club are you in kid :(
This is my first cycle I am taking 250 2x a week Test E along with Adex .5 e3d?
I gained 6 pounds my first to second week and I wasnt really eating that much because they told me to up my calories into the 4th week
Does this mean I got too bloated from Estrogen and I should be using more adex?
I am pretty sure it is not the sodium and my caloric intake aint that high it is like 250-500 above maintenance.
Also I want to get another shot of Test 250 so it kicks in already, so far I haven't had any sides except for the bloat? You guys think it is a bad idea to do another 250 just one week so the Test kicks in faster and maybe cut a week off my cycle so instead of 12 weeks 11?

You must be a troll. You can't be for real. You have NO, Just NO, NO clue as to how any of aas works and what too expect. Stop now and get educated and leave the Bro's out of it.
Estrogen is a key regulator of GLUT4. While GLUT4 is not the only mechanism of intracellular glucose metabolism, it is the most prominent. I'll grab a study which displays what I cited above as an example.

Abstract and Full Article from PubMed Central-
Estrogen is known to influence glucose homeostasis with dominant effects in the liver, but the role of estrogen receptors in muscle glucose metabolism is unknown. In the present study, we investigated the expression of the two estrogen receptors, ER1 and ER2, and their influence on regulation of the glucose transporter, GLUT4, and its associated structural protein, caveolin-1, in mouse gastrocnemius muscle. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed that ER1 and ER2 are coexpressed in the nuclei of most muscle cells, and that their levels were not affected by absence of estradiol [in aromatase-knockout (ArKO) mice]. GLUT4 expression on the muscle cell membrane was not affected by loss of ER2 but was extremely reduced in ER1-/- mice and elevated in ArKO mice. RT-PCR confirmed a parallel reduction in GLUT4 mRNA levels in ER1-/- mice. Upon treatment of ArKO mice with the ER2 agonist 2,3-bis(4-hydroxyphenyl)propionitrile, GLUT4 expression was reduced. By immunofluorescence and Western blotting, caveolin-1 expression was higher in ArKO mice and lower in ER2-/- and ER1-/- mice than in WT littermates. GLUT4 and caveolin-1 were colocalized in WT and ArKO mice but not in ER2-/- and ER1-/- mice. These results reveal that ER1 is a positive regulator of GLUT4 expression, whereas ER2 has a suppressive role. Both ER2 and ER1 are necessary for optimal caveolin-1 expression. Taken together, these results indicate that colocalization of caveolin-1 and GLUT4 is not an absolute requirement for muscle glucose metabolism but that reduction in GLUT4 could be contributing to the insulin resistance observed in ER1-/- mice.

Estrogen is a key player to anabolism, there is a sweet spot and since I dont have any simptoms of too high or too low estrogen, i guess I am fine so far but thank you for listing the symptoms it seems like I am ok right now
And I will just play it safe with the recommended dose.
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And that is the reason why this forum
Exists to ask people for help and get educated isnt it?

This forum exists to inform users on the safe practices of steroid use. The name means the study of steroids.

Why ask questions when everything is already laid out for you. More than anything it'll just piss people off that you didnt put enough time into researching before injecting drugs! It's one thing to ask opinions on what to do after you've taken proper measures in monitoring your for example.. you get bloods done around the recommended time during cycle AND THEN, come to ask about evaluating your estrogen, and AI dose.

An AI is not an option. It's a must.

Now, continue on until 6-7 weeks and get bloods done. Quit being a worry wart, and take the same dose at the same time every day you've scheduled to take it!

Or, alternatively you can just end cycle and do some research.
By not running an AI and this being your first cycle shows that you need to do some more homework. The old saying if you fail to plan you plan to fail fits very well here. Take your adex .25eod works well.
Ok then, I did do my research and I saw a lot of opinions on AIs.

I don't understand your comment about AI and opinions unless you are talking about the dosage and frequency.

I posted some of the BAD sides from too high and too low Estrogen levels. That means there is no opinion here. AI is to help control the levels and ergo the diminishing of all the unwanted sides. This is the healthy way and the most beneficial to a cycle.

Remember AI's are not just for Gyno and without the monitoring of blood work you will have no idea ( but to guess ) why you are felling the way you do. This is not an opinion here. It is science to the educated person who wants to understand what is going on within his/her own body, and not my bro science buddy.
I think this is a dead issue at this point. Hopefully your Q's have been answered so that you can move on with more reading and understanding what you read by ASKING Q's. WE just can't spoon feed from zero to were you are at now.

Listen me and the others are here to help you even if it doesn't at times sound that way to you. Q's are good but arguing is not. Good luck n don't leave us there is more where all tis came from, here on "Ology" :)