First Cycle (Test Only)


New member
I've been lurking for quite awhile now, researching pretty much any time I get the chance. Anyways, I've finally decided on a test only cycle as that seems to be the best to start out on. Also here are my stats, 22 years old, 5'7, 170lbs from 120lbs. I want primarily strength gains so I think I've decided on Sustanon 250 for the cycle because prop I think would be overwhelming with ed injections, but I have a question before I buy (by the way just so everyone knows, I'm not starting the cycle until I have EVERYTHING in my hands, post cycle therapy (pct) and all I don't care how long it takes I just want to be safe.) I'm seeing it priced for about $60 per 10ml, well I've attempted the math and if I'm supposed to do 500mg that would only last two weeks? So if I'm thinking correctly I would need 6 of those if I wanted to do a 12 week cycle and that just sounds kind of pricey for test only.
Once that question is answered, I'll give more details on my post cycle therapy (pct), etc. thanks guys!
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The most common is Test E or C for first cycle if that matters. 10ml vial should last you 4weeks at 500mg/week.
10ml does not =1000mg

seems you may be thinking that 6 10ml bottles = 6000mg . not true .

10ml vial can contain different amounts of mg :

for example if you get Sustanon (sust) 250mg/10ml that = 2500mg ( 250mg per ml x10 )

if you get a vial that is 100mg/10ml that = 1000mg ( 100mg per ml x10 )
Thanks a lot for the replies guys, I already have a 10ml of sustanon 300 that I got from a friend but to do the proper dosing for 12 weeks I would need another bottle so I was looking and almost got scammed into eroids...ughh. So now I'm on the hunt again for legit sources and my cycle is being delayed once again.
So before I started researching or even really thinking about trying out REAL juice, I was pretty fascinated by prohormones. To put it bluntly I ended up buying a bunch of superdrol, and now I don't really know what to do with it. So I was curious if jump starting my cycle with superdrol at the beginning would be a terrible idea as long as I have liver control in place? If I do, do I need to start post cycle therapy (pct) after I'm finished with the I would say 3-4 weeks of superdrol or after I've finished off my sustanon?
Also, do I need HCG during cycle or would Arimidex be sufficient? I know they're not the same but I thought I would ask anyways.
I don't know what the comment above achieved other than upping your post count but whatever. Anyways, I received my order of torem from rui today and am wondering if that one bottle is going to be enough for my whole pct?