New member
Hey everyone, I'm training for a few years now with weights after quitting my martial arts training, so with strict training, proper diet and rest I've gained a lot of quality muscle and strenght. Currently I weigh around 98kg with a 185cm height, 23 years old, bf isn't high, so I'd like to start my first cycle more of a curiosity and to gain some quality muscle and strenght while maintaining my body fat, even lowering it if possible. I'm following Wendler's 531 training for strenght (4 times a week) and doing some cardio but in the way of boxing sparings or some sprints, supplementation, food, rest etc. is fine. So I'm interested how to cycle it best (Test C- Galenika) for strenght gains, and some possible body fat reduction... and any other advice on my first cycle in general?
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