First Cycle


New member
Me: 27yo/M/powerlifter/18%BF

I'm from Adelaide with current maxes (1RM):

Squat 120kg
Dead 130kg
Bench 100kg
OHP 50kg

Looking to do the following cycle:

Weeks 1-10: 500mg Testosterone E per week (2 injections of 250mg, Sunday Morning Wednesday night)
Weeks 1-4: 30mg of Dbol per day (split in two doses, one pre workout, one 12 hours later)
Weeks 1-12: .5mg of Adex Every other Day (EOD)
Weeks 4-12: 500iu's of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) per week (2 injections of 250iu's, same days as test, but not in the same syringe)
PCT starts week 12, two weeks after last test shot
Week 1&2: 40mg Nolva per day
Week 3&4: 20mg Nolva per day

Please critique, also has anyone had success getting certain products from bodysynthetics through to Adelaide, Australia?
Looks good i would just add clomid in your pct. Also run your Aromatase inhibitor (AI) (adex) up to pct.
Other than that nice cycle imo.
I would extend the cycle to 12wks MIN 14 even better, but would stop around here. Difference in shut down would be minimal and you would get a worthwhile cycle. I feel any less than 12 is a waste of a cycle regardless of ester.
Also dbol half-life is VERY short I would take doses 4-6hrs apart not 12. Some do take it all at one time and say they like it. Just pointing it out since I am not sure if you know the half-life of Dbol or just dont care. If you do care, thats why I am, pointing it out.

Also you are overthinking the timing of shots. Morning? Eve? Just do it on those days thats least hassle.
Run Aromatase inhibitor (AI) up to PCT and I would rec adding Clomid into pct and just keeping the nolva at 20mg ed along with the Clomid at 50mg ed for the 4 weeks.

Also dbol half-life is VERY short I would take doses 4-6hrs apart not 12.

Will do. I thought it would be best to space out to 12 because of the high aromitization of test e & dbol. Should I take 30mg of dbol (7.5mg) at say 8am, then again at 2pm, then again 6pm (pre workout) and again at 10.30pm (before bed)?

Also dbol half-life is VERY short I would take doses 4-6hrs apart not 12.

I know and care! Thanks for your input. I appreciate any advice I can get.
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