First PH and testosterone cycle


New member
Hi everyone,

I know people will disagree, but I'm planning to do test e @ 250mg 1x week for 10 weeks. I've read a lot recommending I do 500mg and this isn't out of the question. However being my first cycle, I'm just curious to see how my body will react. I've been training for ~6 years and have been making slow and consistent gains but this is the one side of bodybuilding which has always made me curious. And who knows, if results come and the sides are minimal I may start doing 250 x2 at the 5 week mark.

Anyway, the question I have is, I have also managed to source some ironmag labs deca drol. Now, PH's are something that I haven't been researching as much as I have my testosterone cycle (not very smart, I know) however that's why I'm posting here.

The question I have is, would it be ok to stack the deca drol and test e from day 1, finishing the 4 weeks of decadrol and then just running straight test for the remaining 6 weeks? I've read that people use other AAS to "kickstart" the cycle, so I thought using the deca drol to do this wouldn't be out of the question - but I was just wondering if anyone else had any experience in doing so.

Any advice would be much appreciated. And apologies if this is meant to be in a different forum section, mods please feel free to move it if it's the case.

Hi everyone,

I know people will disagree, but I'm planning to do test e @ 250mg 1x week for 10 weeks. I've read a lot recommending I do 500mg and this isn't out of the question. However being my first cycle, I'm just curious to see how my body will react. I've been training for ~6 years and have been making slow and consistent gains but this is the one side of bodybuilding which has always made me curious. And who knows, if results come and the sides are minimal I may start doing 250 x2 at the 5 week mark.

Anyway, the question I have is, I have also managed to source some ironmag labs deca drol. Now, PH's are something that I haven't been researching as much as I have my testosterone cycle (not very smart, I know) however that's why I'm posting here.

The question I have is, would it be ok to stack the deca drol and test e from day 1, finishing the 4 weeks of decadrol and then just running straight test for the remaining 6 weeks? I've read that people use other AAS to "kickstart" the cycle, so I thought using the deca drol to do this wouldn't be out of the question - but I was just wondering if anyone else had any experience in doing so.

Any advice would be much appreciated. And apologies if this is meant to be in a different forum section, mods please feel free to move it if it's the case.


also, if you only going to do 250mg a week, it would be better to do 125mg twice a week, instead of 250 once a week, to keep hormone levels more stable.
I've though about stacking test with a PH as well. the reason for mine is that I have friend that can get me a major hook up on PH's. I already have some some epi and halodrol. But I think I can get my hands on a couple of bottles of eMonster for free. So I may go this route. I know, I know this stuffs pretty harsh on the liver hence my reservations. but for free???
I got to think about it...
You guys can use a Pro-hormone to kick start or finish your cycles, just run them from the off and stop in week 4 or 6 depending upon PH choice and your experience with it etc. Aslong as you run them properly and with all supports alongside there shouldn't be an issue :)

make sure though with whatever you run that you add some N2guard, liv 52 or forged liver etc, need to protect your insides...
N2gaurd. Liver52 is just liver. N2G is everything, and trust me, u will need complete support with the PH.

Have u ever ran a ph? Or this is your first cycle of any kind??
N2gaurd. Liver52 is just liver. N2G is everything, and trust me, u will need complete support with the PH.

Have u ever ran a ph? Or this is your first cycle of any kind??

first of any kind. after a bit more research (but with minimal findings) i started both at the same time.
This is week 4 now, so the decadrol is almost finished and i've still got 6 weeks left of the test.
in all honesty, strength wise i've seen modest gains at best, recovery time though much better than usual.
in terms of sides (gyno being my biggest fear) i've yet had any issues so i'm happy. am going to kick up the test after next week to twice a week @ 250mg to see if i can make some more solid gains for the rest of the weeks remaining. I did think about doing 125/125 but because it comes in 250mg ampules i didn't think it'd be wise to leave a preloaded syringe around.

really appreciate the advice everyone.
if anyone was interested i'm happy to keep a general update on this thread as the weeks go by. won't be a lift by lift log or anything but just an update on weight, strength, sides etc. everyone would react differently to this cycle i suppose, but i'm happy to log if people are keen.

thanks again
first of any kind. after a bit more research (but with minimal findings) i started both at the same time.
This is week 4 now, so the decadrol is almost finished and i've still got 6 weeks left of the test.
in all honesty, strength wise i've seen modest gains at best,

just an update on weight, strength, sides etc.
thanks again

you never mention how much weight you gained thus far, at week 4. You say only moderate gains? With deca, you should have made big gains. what gains have you maid? give us some more details bro!

what does you diet look like?
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you never mention how much weight you gained thus far, at week 4. You say only moderate gains? With deca, you should have made big gains. what gains have you maid? give us some more details bro!

what does you diet look like?

Started at 81kg, now at 84. In retrospect, I'm actually quite happy with the gains i've made, as i'm definitely leaner than I was prior to starting also. May not seem much to others but I know I haven't put on 3kg in 4 weeks probably ever.
Diet recently though has been quite poor due to work commitments. I'm only getting in 4 meals a day.