First run, am I g2g on this?


New member
Been lifting for about 5 years now, played around with a lot of supplements, most of which were too much a waste of money. Planned on starting cycles last year, but bad AC joint got worse and had surgery on it. Been rebuilding and getting my body back to previous size and strength. Ran low dose gh while recovering from surgery, kept a good amount of size, but lost it while trying to get my shoulder back to normal.
Thinking this will be a good first cycle to run for winter bulk, then will toy around for a good cut/strength cycle in spring.

Pre Cycle-1-2 week load of cycle assist

Brawn @ 30-30-45-45-45
(liver armor & Aegis through PCT)

40-40-20-20 tamox (E-P supply, if bunk, or should get elsewhere, lmk)
2-3-2-1 Erase
3g DAA (Can this be preloaded on last week of the brawn epi?)

Fish oil 1500mg/day
creatine @ 5g/day
Possible preworkouts (Is this safe?)

Let me know if there's something I should add, delete, etc. Very open to suggestions & critique. Want to get a good mild cycle under my belt before i start hitting some of the fun sounding stacks.
brawn is Epi, i like the sound of the epi cycle vs halo cycle. If theres something wrong with the layout, let me know rather than saying "what the hell is that shit"..
Stay on an anti E while on cycle. 30mg of epi is really light so don't expect much. I'd go 30/45/45/45/45/45

Make it 6wks as any oral run will take 7/8/9 days to show gains and really begin to work. I'd take 3 Fish oils with each dose.

I'd get a bottle of n2 gaurd for the cycle and pct. your liver enzymes,BP and such are real jacked up after your done so that's why u take a support in pct.

You can take tons I'd daa cuz its cheap while in cycle for some natty production.
Get some osta in pct for that injury. That will really help you keep making gains in pct too. Sarms1 has pretty cheap osta and purity wise it's way better than the cheap cheap places.
Blood works on RX showed that osta causes shut downs. I have used osta, s4, and gw, and any other sarm out there and yes they do effect your test level. You can tell that simply by way it effects your libido.

I think you are golden with what you had posted OP and I am glad that you are taking a research product with Aromatase inhibitor (AI) like Erase and DAA for your PCT. Good luck to you bud and keep us posted on your progress ;)
So i'm assuming everything is pretty set then, especially going over other epi logs again, will probably start daa at week 3-4 of epi, and then erase at week 2 of pct. I have letro for rebound gyno, and will probably pick up another test booster just in case.

support supps are similar to n2g so I think I should be good on those. I eat a lot of fish as is, so fish oil supps shouldn't need to be jacked up as much, and I eat a shit ton of fruit and veges so phytos should be good for protection as well. I'll pick up a few herbal supps specific for cholest, bp, and such in case needed.