First sterioid cycle advise


New member
Im looking to start my first sterioid cycle very soon for this summer, i am 3 months away from being 21. I have been training on and off for nearly 3 years. I am currently training 5 times a week, i currently weigh 85kg and like too think i have a good diet. I need advise from experianced users too find my best stack for my first cycle including pct, i have spoke to alot of people about cycle's and have heard a number of stacks i could use. I just want too achive as much size and strenght as possible in a full/half course. I know diet is a big part of gains, i will post my rough diet below and will take any advise on that aswell.

Meal 1: 7am
5 egg whites and 1 full egg on 2 wholemeal toast.
Meal 2: 10am protien shake plus 2 fruit or 1 fruit and 1 low fat yougert.
Meal 3: 1pm 1 and a half chicken breasts with 2 boiled egg whites and roughly 100g of baby new patato. Or wholemeal pasta/rice and green veg or carrots.
Meal 4: 5-6pm protien shake after the gym, then meal 3 again for dinner.
Meal 5: heaped tea spoon of peanut butter with a chicken breast before bed.

Any changes or advise on the diet will Appreciate because i know how important diet is. any feedback, bad or good is appreciated.
Your still a bit young my friend but if you decide to go to the dark side a simple test cycle only is all you should do with an ai, hcg and a proper pct. diet looks decent but that's not my strong point lol.
If you're training "on and off" there is no reason for you to be taking AAS. At your age you should have no problem making great gains with a proper diet and training program. Please hold off a few more years till your body finishes growing. Don't fucking yourself up for life trying to get a quick fix. You will lose all of it after and be worse off than when you started.
Too young. Read MrRippedZilla's Thread of Knowledge to understand the research being why you should wait until you are 25 years old.
Welcome to ology!

At 21 you are not done growing yet you should wait till at least 25. You need to do some research and understand what your about to do to your body.

Read this thread and all its links:

Your not even close to reaching your natty limit. AAS should be something you look into after you can't make anymore progress natty with training and diet.

Take the time to learn how to train and eat properly before you take the AAS plunge. Every time you shut your HPTA down there's a chance it won't restart. Do you really want to be tied to a needle the rest of your life?

This forum is filled with guys who've done what yout thinking about doing and wish they hadn t. Hang around make some freinds and read, read, read.

You will do what you want to do no matter what people advise. I strongly recomend you educate before you medicate
If you're training "on and off" there is no reason for you to be taking AAS. At your age you should have no problem making great gains with a proper diet and training program. Please hold off a few more years till your body finishes growing. Don't fucking yourself up for life trying to get a quick fix. You will lose all of it after and be worse off than when you started.

I have been training on and off over the years purely from lack of motive, ive been training consitantly for about 4-5 months 5 times a week but thankyou for your advice. I have been told 21 is the minimum age to beging a cycle. Alot of my freinds who are my age or younger have been using for a while. Its just frustating seeing gains they have in a few months too what i have achived. But i assume they will have a number of side effects in a few years of use. Espically when a few dont even consider pct, which i know is stupid. Thanks for everyones advice,'ill just keep going as i am and hope i keep improving.