First steroid cycle


New member
Basically going to be starting this steroid cycle on september the 1st.

Dbol - 25mg - Weeks 1-4
Test E - 500mg - Weeks 1-10 -250mg, Pin on tuesday and friday.
Adex - 0.5mg - Weeks 1-12 EOD.
Liv52 - Everyday For liver support - Weeks 3-4


Nolva - 20mg Everyday - Weeks 14-18
Clomid - 100mg - Week 1 - 50mg week15-18


6 Days a week.

Day 1 - Chest, Tri's and shoulders.
Day 2 - Legs
Day 3 - Back and Bi's.
Day 4- Rest
Day 5 - Repeat

Diet - Will Be getting 4500-5000 calories since im bulking. 7 Meals a day and 2 whey protein shakes. Macros 40% protein 40% Carbs and 20% Fats

Have i made any mistakes or anything?

This will be my first proper cycle as i have only ran pro-hormones in the past. I am looking to gain 30lbs and keep 15lbs - 20lbs is this achievable and im a mesomorph/endo.


24 Years old
6 foot 1
205 lbs
Training for 4 years seriously and 2 years without diet etc.

Lastly is this a good injection size 2ml 23G x 1.25" for glutes.
Don't run Dbol for first cycle. Your not getting enough rest with your routine. Yes a 2ml syringe and 23G 1.25" is good for glutes. I prefer a 1.5" for glutes.
Why no dbol bcz i just wanna do this one bulk cycle to reach my natural potential and one cutting cycle in april and after that maintain and i will change routine to two days rest a week would this be enough
Why no dbol bcz i just wanna do this one bulk cycle to reach my natural potential and one cutting cycle in april and after that maintain and i will change routine to two days rest a week would this be enough
You can do what you want but you could react really bad to the test or the dbol but if your running 2 at the same time how you going to know which one is the culprit. You could take the risk but it is not advised. I have 3 days rest a week mon/train tues/train wed/rest /thurs/train fri/train sat sun/rest. Your not giving your muscles the time to grow. You don't grow in the gym.
Thanks man i wont use the dbol then i will probably do 2 bulk cycles 1st being test only then a test and dbol only then cut cycle and maintain for life :). Thanks for the response.
If the diet is right you can get big gains from the test only. What's your bf% at now? You could do the 1 bulk cycle and as long as you responded well to the test you could throw in some Winstrol (winny) or var and cut while still building mass
Thanks man i wont use the dbol then i will probably do 2 bulk cycles 1st being test only then a test and dbol only then cut cycle and maintain for life :). Thanks for the response.

Do you really think you're going to be able to stay off after just two cycles?
Run your test for 12 weeks man trust me, the test won't kick in until week 4-5. THen you'll start seeing gains,.
Bf around 10-12%. If i did add some Winstrol (winny) in the cycle would it hinder gains as in if i did a full bulk on test cycle would i have gained more mass then if i added Winstrol (winny) and had to restrict calories?
Yeah bcz im pretty big now but just the lbs are not shifting im putting like 2lbs of muscle on a year if im lucky. i have changed my diet numerous amounts of time but think im almost at my genetic potential and dont want to be too huge. But a couple of my friends said im only going to do one cycle of tren and test now they using it for there bulk and cut cycles for 3 years so i guess it is addictive seeing how much you gain especially when you cant gain much more naturally.
if i run for 12 weeks im going to have test left over as the vial comes in as 10ml/250mg i got 2 of them enough for 10weeks.
I think you should just stick to just test or test and dbol for your first cycle. Are you trying to cut or bulk with this cycle?
I've never heard of Liv-52 hindering gains. Tons of people use it while on an oral such as Anavar or Dbol. Use 2-4 caps every day, it's healthy stuff, it's just some herbs :)
Yes you'd have to get an extra vial, but that's probably a good idea anyway because you might not have EXACTLY 10ml in each vial. And even if there is exactly 10ml in your vials the chances of not losing ANY and coming out exactly as planned is small. You mentioned wanting to do another cycle in the spring, save the leftover test for then. Keep it sterile and put it in a dark cabinet or something and it will be fine.

Also, might want to start with .25mg eod of adex and see how you respond. For me, .5mg eod crashes my estro hard, no matter how little gear i'm on, so its better to start low and go from there.
12 weeks of only test.....
use your Adex only when/if needed...first cycle you might not even need it..So far I don't need mine. (3rd week of first cycle test e.)
and.... EAT EAT EAT......