First Test Cycle questions


New member
Hey guys, I have decided to do my first cycle in a couple of months. I have been doing a lot of research on the net about the different types of steroids and cycles but i would like to find out more so i know exactly what I'm doing. I'm 24, been training for 1.5 years, always been pretty athletic, go running twice a week. My diet consists of 5 meals a day consuming 300g of protein and is very healthy. I'm 6ft1 and weigh 85kg with about 9% bf.

Would like to know what would be the best test cycle for a beginner? Can you include a detailed cycle explaining what it actually means and also a good PCT? Would be good if who ever responds could provide how to use needles, needle sizes etc.

Just one more thing, i get a few pimples here and there (not bad) but i want to know if there's anything i can take while cycling that will stop me from breaking out.....if not which test esters will have the least sides?

Cheers, look forward to some response :)
From what I have read, a Test E cycle would be the best for a first cycle. You pin twice a week because it is a long ester and has a half-life. Half-life meaning it takes a few days for it to be fully broken down and then you pin again to keep it constant.

During your cycle if you begin to breakout or have sides, you would use an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) such as aromasin. Thats just off some research I did and thought I would save you some time. People will tell you to do your research and I will say the same but I hope I gave you a starting point and hopefully others can add to this/verify/correct what I have said.

Good luck bud!
Thanks for the response natalh, i was kind of looking for a more in depth explanation though. If you were to pin twice a week what days would you typically do this? Also would the dosage be the same for Test e 300?

Thanks for the response natalh, i was kind of looking for a more in depth explanation though. If you were to pin twice a week what days would you typically do this? Also would the dosage be the same for Test e 300?


Read the stickies dude. There are 100000000 posts of first cycles on here in depth. find a beginner cycle, then post it on here and we can help you. Not trying to be a dick, but doing your own research will benefit you more than us telling you what to do.