First Test E & Anavar cycle!!


New member
27 y/o
12% body fat

I did a var only cycle 2 years ago got great results only reason I didn't run test was because I was scared to inject.

This time around I want to do it the right way and get even better results.

I've been training hard now for almost 8 years and j want to start seeing even better results

Weeks 1-12

Test E 250mg twice a week

Weeks 5-12

Anavar 80mg a day

Nolva to finish it off 3 weeks after last inject.

Im also getting arimidex and from reading the beginner cycle stickie i did read should be taking it from day 1 of starting the cycle but was thinking maybe only taking it if I start to feel any gyno coming in? Would like to hear some feedback regarding this.
An ai if dosed correctly will keep estrogen within range so that you will never "feel sides". Wanting to go about it your way could pose a lot more problems. If you let your estrogen get too high you will definitely get a lot of unwanted and unnecessary sides. You mentioned gyno but that's only one side. If gyno starts to show most likely you will panic and take way too much of an ai and crash estrogen. May not even help with gyno so you may need to take a serm too.

If you did read the beginner cycle stickys all this info should've been in there for you. You should know how bad of an idea it was to run var by itself. You would also know that what you want to run for a first cycle isn't what is laid out in the stickys.

So a couple questions for you..
Did you really read the beginner cycle stickys???
If you did, what advice are you looking for that isn't in the stickys?
I know the sticky said, that to run first cycle not good to mix two different compounds and to stick with a test, but since I ran var before and liked the results I want to do it again. I have it already so im going to do it.

As for the the AI I was talking to a friend of mine regarding it all, he's very well experienced with it all but that's why Im still a little confused. I'm reading one thing and he's telling me another. He told me to not start the ai until I start the var because shutting down your estrogen isn't a good idea and to only take half mil EOD. I'm getting mixed thoughts because I've been reading different things regarding this.
As my brother above me said; if you read the beginners sticky you should know that for your first run you should do test alone, you'll get great results. You should also run HCG throughout your cycle as well, also in stickies. Save the Var for your next run; 7 weeks is overkill on the liver too.
Adex is used throughout the cycle to prevent sides, if you wait until you start seeing gyno to start you'll be in a world of hurt.
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you dont take arimidex when sides start to show, you ake it to prevent sides, hows your beginners cycle thread reading going?
have you reformulated your cycle plan, pct?
I can't find anyone here that has HCG I want to take it but hard to find. I'm in Canada and been trying to find it and no luck. Also as for the var, I might even run in 6 weeks at 80 still undecided just roughly around that time period.
I've read it a couple times just to double check certain things and I couldn't find the part about the AI. And yes formulated everything for the PCT I have it all written at home so I'll be posting that when I get home from work
For 500 mg/wk Test E you'd want to take 0.25 mg EOD adex. I don't worry about gyno, it's all the other nasty effects of excess estrogen that bother me - like your dick not working and bad effects on your prostate. That dosage will leave plenty of estrogen in your system for the benefits it can bring.

HCG is a really good idea, plenty of places on the web have it.

To me the anavar is neither here nor there, take it if you want. It won't aromatize so won't impact your AI dosage, and clears fast so won't effect PCT either. The only real problem is at 500 test your ability to pack on muscle will likely be maxed out, so it may not do anything additional for you.

Lay out your PCT, just saying nolva to finish it off 3 weeks after last inject does not sound like you have the details worked out yet.
Okay thanks a lot, that's what I wanted to confirm regarding the AI. As for the HCG I found some so I'll be getting some for sure before starting.

For the Nolva PCT I plan on doing it 14 days after last injection as the beginner steroid cycle said and will be running it 40/40/20/20.