First time brew wasn't that great...


Muscles can't stop this..
Well I made my first batch about 2 weeks ago. Filtered everything through a millipore type filter first, then filtered through a .22 whatman. By the way, I'm talking about Tren Ace from Finaplix. Anyway once I freakin' finally got it through the whatman (which is actually Tisch brand filter) it was just as golden clear. You could not see a single thing, just beautiful clear. Now 2 weeks later it has like stringy looking stuff in it, not real bad but if you look close you can see like strings.
I think maybe it's just that finaplix crap and if I had some real powders it wouldn't do that, What does anyone think? Powders cleaner?
Also, it took about 1 and a half hours to filter through that Tisch whatman filter in a rig I made to keep about 25 lbs constant pressure. Is that normal? Sometimes the filters wouldn't even work? Is that just a Tisch thing or do original whatmans do that?
what method did you use to extract all the fillers, etc. from the pellets?

Well I used a pyrex boiling flask, put a hundred dose pack in it (crushed with mortar and pestel) put required amount of BA at 3% and the required amount of BB at 18% and put it on a heating/stir plate with a teflon stirring bar in it and started stirring on about speed stir 7, applied heat to 190 degrees F. After 20 min powder pellets were dissolved. Then I added EO at required amount for mg/ml and amount of total ml. Stirred with no heat for 6 hours then let sit about 12 hours. Heated solution to about 190 F and poured into buchner funnel with professional .22 90mm diameter PVDF prefilters under a machine vacuum at 5 mm/hg. Filtered clear.... Then I sucked up ten ml at a time in ten ml syringes and put Tisch Scientific whatman filters on and filtered through those and it took soooo long that it was stupid!!!!!! I was getting one drip every 2min =( ... Once finished it was beautiful, then 2 weeks later it has gotten little string maybe 1-2 mm long here and there. I made it at 80 mg/ml and take 1cc eod and the only thing I feel is major hunger, otherwise I don't feel the mind blowing pumps I was told I would feel...

Sorry for long post.
Well I used a pyrex boiling flask, put a hundred dose pack in it (crushed with mortar and pestel) put required amount of BA at 3% and the required amount of BB at 18% and put it on a heating/stir plate with a teflon stirring bar in it and started stirring on about speed stir 7, applied heat to 190 degrees F. After 20 min powder pellets were dissolved. Then I added EO at required amount for mg/ml and amount of total ml. Stirred with no heat for 6 hours then let sit about 12 hours. Heated solution to about 190 F and poured into buchner funnel with professional .22 90mm diameter PVDF prefilters under a machine vacuum at 5 mm/hg. Filtered clear.... Then I sucked up ten ml at a time in ten ml syringes and put Tisch Scientific whatman filters on and filtered through those and it took soooo long that it was stupid!!!!!! I was getting one drip every 2min =( ... Once finished it was beautiful, then 2 weeks later it has gotten little string maybe 1-2 mm long here and there. I made it at 80 mg/ml and take 1cc eod and the only thing I feel is major hunger, otherwise I don't feel the mind blowing pumps I was told I would feel...

Sorry for long post.

why did you stir with no heat for 6 hours? What did you think that would accomplish? lol

Try this next time. And buy component TH.
why did you stir with no heat for 6 hours? What did you think that would accomplish? lol

Try this next time. And buy component TH.

stirred for 6 hours to make sure (overly sure) pellets combined into solution. Just overly cautious. This was my first. Anyway, I think this pellet shit is just outdated, gonna go on the powder patrol. Should be better with powders right???
stirred for 6 hours to make sure (overly sure) pellets combined into solution. Just overly cautious. This was my first. Anyway, I think this pellet shit is just outdated, gonna go on the powder patrol. Should be better with powders right???

yes, but stirring with no heat does nothing at all to help dissolve the pellets.

i would heat the solution, and refilter. But if its not bothering you, may be ok to just use it and get powders the next time.

just don't stir with no heat. even with powders. with any conversion. From adding materials to beaker to filter should never take more than an hour.
yes, but stirring with no heat does nothing at all to help dissolve the pellets.

i would heat the solution, and refilter. But if its not bothering you, may be ok to just use it and get powders the next time.

just don't stir with no heat. even with powders. with any conversion. From adding materials to beaker to filter should never take more than an hour.

Yeah, now that is great! Thanks for the info "From adding materials to beaker to filter should never take more than an hour" That is the best advise I've heard yet. I'm just going on (probably) old cooks that I have found online that talk about letting it sit for a day or even two cause the longer it sets the more it dissolves blah blah and I just kinda felt like "damn, if the shit is dissolved then it is dissolved!!" So from now on its within 1 hour with heat should be filtering??? Cool, thanks bro.
Yeah, now that is great! Thanks for the info "From adding materials to beaker to filter should never take more than an hour" That is the best advise I've heard yet. I'm just going on (probably) old cooks that I have found online that talk about letting it sit for a day or even two cause the longer it sets the more it dissolves blah blah and I just kinda felt like "damn, if the shit is dissolved then it is dissolved!!" So from now on its within 1 hour with heat should be filtering??? Cool, thanks bro.

heres the deal with pellets. Those things are filled with filler, estradiol, blah blah. So with the best method, the one i posted above, you heat it all up with oil and solvents, etc and all that shit will settle to the bottom. Then you draw off the golden goodness and filter that.

There are plenty of ways to do it, letting em sit overnight and all that bullshit, but who has time for that?

As for the hour thing, just use that as a guide. Heat your gear until the solution is clear with no swirls in it. Then let it cool for a few and filter.
Thanks Asshole errrr I mean RJ =) that has helped me out alot and cut down on alot of time but, honestly I'm just going to go back to my old source for some already made and cheap injectables and sit around and play this game for a good source on the real shit. Some powders cause though I've never even seen this stuff, I've read plenty here and elsewhere and I know what I need.... It's just figuring out how to get it, which seems like most of us novice guys problem in this game. Either way, patience is a virtue and I'll get there.

BTW. I understood that the pellets have fillers etc... I just didn't realize that my common sense was right. "When it is dissolved and there are no more particles or swirls... it is ready." And honestly that only took 20-30 min with heat, so at that point instead of letting it settle I could simply pour it through a large nalgene filter just to get the heavy particles out with a .45 media in it then straight to a .22 whatman and should be good right? While it is still hot cause letting it sit and decanting off the "good stuff" would be the same as pouring (hot) it into a sterile millipore vacuum filter system and letting the filter catch all that junk (filler) that would normally settle and the golden oil that collects in my collection flask is separated???? Right. So then I even save the time of letting it settle???
Thanks Asshole errrr I mean RJ =) that has helped me out alot and cut down on alot of time but, honestly I'm just going to go back to my old source for some already made and cheap injectables and sit around and play this game for a good source on the real shit. Some powders cause though I've never even seen this stuff, I've read plenty here and elsewhere and I know what I need.... It's just figuring out how to get it, which seems like most of us novice guys problem in this game. Either way, patience is a virtue and I'll get there.

BTW. I understood that the pellets have fillers etc... I just didn't realize that my common sense was right. "When it is dissolved and there are no more particles or swirls... it is ready." And honestly that only took 20-30 min with heat, so at that point instead of letting it settle I could simply pour it through a large nalgene filter just to get the heavy particles out with a .45 media in it then straight to a .22 whatman and should be good right? While it is still hot cause letting it sit and decanting off the "good stuff" would be the same as pouring (hot) it into a sterile millipore vacuum filter system and letting the filter catch all that junk (filler) that would normally settle and the golden oil that collects in my collection flask is separated???? Right. So then I even save the time of letting it settle???

not exactly. even a .45 may not catch all that filler as it will be dissolved. Best to just draw it off.

Either way its a moot point as you're going the other route.
Well I appreciate everything RJ and just one more question. I am vague on the rules for this but, IF I were to find a source I was thinking about trying, and had enough posts to PM, is it illegal for me to PM someone and give them the info on that source I researched and ask them if they know anything about them, whether they're legit or not. Or is even that against the rules?
Well I appreciate everything RJ and just one more question. I am vague on the rules for this but, IF I were to find a source I was thinking about trying, and had enough posts to PM, is it illegal for me to PM someone and give them the info on that source I researched and ask them if they know anything about them, whether they're legit or not. Or is even that against the rules?

yes. that is against the rules. stick around. we take care of good folks around here.