First Time User..Help Needed..How to proceed..


New member
Hi Guys,

I recently got tested for T levels(31/07) after reading some articles about the effects of low T and the why we need to get on with TRT. So now I need help on how to proceed further and stuff..

I asked advice to the blogger,who wrote the article about low T's and effect on general life..


Hi ,

I recently got tested for T levels and found that I have T-levels at 399 and free T at 104..I saw upto 3 doctors including a endo,but all told me that My T was in normal range..

So I took matter into my own hands and ordered a 5gm t-gel.I will get it by tommorow.

So I wanted to know what should I look out for and if any other supplement(estrogen inhibitor) has to be taken with the gel.

Also can you guide me on the cycle I should follow for the medication ..

Any help would be helpful..


P.S : I live in India by the way


Ok, first of all, the gels are the worst treatment. They have a short half life – you’ll feel awesome in the morning, but low by the end of the day. They also have a tendency to aromatise heavily (convert to oestrogen), so you’re going to need to get some aromatase inhibitors. I recommend 0.25mg arimidex every other day. The gels are better than nothing though.

Ideally, you want to get your hands on some testosterone cypionate, or testosterone enanthate. This comes in the form of an injectable oil. The best way to administer this is via subcutaneous shots with a 0.5***8243; 29 gauge insulin syringe. It’s almost painless, and causes very little aromatisation. Many guys don’t need any Aromatase inhibitor (AI) with this.

Starting dose should be 50mg every 3.5 days. So you would do it on a Monday evening, and a Friday morning every week. The regular doses will keep your serum testosterone levels stable.

You’re going to need to get bloodwork done at regular intervals to monitor everything and make sure you are on track. There are a wide number of variables that can mess up your treatment. You’ll need to get at the least a full male hormone panel run every couple of months to start, along with oestradiol. I thoroughly recommend creating an account on the Steroidology testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) forums. The guys on there have helped me massively.

Lastly, you’re going to need to run HCG to stop your balls shrivelling up, and to keep your fertility. 250miu taken the day before each testosterone shot should be fine. When you get this, make sure you don’t get the pre-mixed one, as the peptide has a short life and loses effectiveness. You can test the quality of your HCG with a pregnancy test kit.

That’s a brief introduction. You’ll need to do a lot of your own research if you’re going to take this on. Again, the Steroidology forums are a great place to go.

Any questions, let me know.

P.S:The blogger is also a member of this forum and he also had started on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) recently...

So my questions are:

1.If we are taking T-shots do we need any Aromatase inhibitor (AI) for it.
2.How much is the starting dosage for a T-shot..
3.Do I continue taking the shot for the whole year or are there any cycles to be followed??
4.I do not go to the gym right now but will start in few days time.Will this have any adverse effect,since most people here are body builders..
5.What is HCG and is it available over the counter or do I need a doctor's appointment?
6.I have been to 3 doctors including an endocrinologist,and all of them told me that my T level is normal..

These are all I can think of right now.Any help will be appreciated.

First of all, make sure you understand the commitment and downsides of starting treatment before jumping into it with T of 400. Re-test at least once, have the blood drawn in the morning.
Your doctors are right, you are within normal range. You make it sound like you just read an article that makes you want to jump in and start TRT. Do you have any symptoms? Make sure you understand this isn't a "boost", it will mess up your currently functioning natural hormone production and make you dependent on medication for the rest of your life.

Apart from that, the advice you got from the blogger is spot on.

I am 28 yrs old,6 feet in height and weighing around 160 pounds/80kgs. Also I live in India.

Below are my full results..

Testosterone 399 (280-800) ng/dl
Free T 108.51 (4.5-42) pg/mL
LH 3.83 (1.1-7.0) micIU/ml
FSH 1.94 (1.7-12.0) micIU/ml

Method : ECLIA

When I got tested in Jan this year my levels were around 280-300. Right now I have stopped watching porn and masturbating..Porn messes with your brain..

All the doctors who I went to told me that my levels are normal and that there is no need for Hormonal replacement..

Some years back I had Depression and very low energy,but right now I am over it..I always suspected that I had low T but never did anything for it..

Recently I read articles where it was mentioned that the average T levels is 600+, which got me here..My goal is to have above average T and levels and I am not looking for a bodybuilder level of T.

My other symptoms are low facial hair and body hair..

Stop listening to bloggers. Your test values are fine imho. And your FS and LH are on target. You have lots of free T floating around and your total T is average.

You haven't complained of any of the classic symptoms of Andropause, so i honestly believe that you are fine and do not require TRT. I would concentrate on learning how to eat big in order to pack on some weight. Youre not even close to your maximum growth potential. Adjust your diet and setup a solid lifting routine and you will grow.

Good luck Krish.
What time of the day were your labs taken?

Like Mickey says, making some changes in your life can make a big difference for your TT.

- Get a full night of quality sleep. It is a good idea to get a sleep study done to make sure you don't have apnea.

- Make sure your diet is good. Limit junk food and unhealthy foods.

- What are your cholesterol levels? Cholesterol is a building block for testosterone.

- What is you body fat percentage?

- How much are you training?

- What other medications are you taking?

Make sure these things are optimal and then retest your TT first thing in the morning.

Your Free T number looks awesome. A huge percent of your T is unbound. Do some research and you will see that many say Free T is what is most important.

Finally, how confident are you in the lab that performed these tests for you?
What time of the day were your labs taken?

Around 5-6 in the evening.Previous day,I did night shift ,so after waking up at 2,had food and went to the clinic

Like Mickey says, making some changes in your life can make a big difference for your TT.

- Get a full night of quality sleep. It is a good idea to get a sleep study done to make sure you don't have apnea.

I generally sleep 8 hours daily,though I work in shifts and sleep at different times biweekly

- Make sure your diet is good. Limit junk food and unhealthy foods.

Sure will do.Planning to do Keto

- What are your cholesterol levels? Cholesterol is a building block for testosterone.

Will have to get the test done..

- What is you body fat percentage?

24 %
- How much are you training?

Right now no training.Will start on SS soon.Downloaded the book and going through it now.

- What other medications are you taking?

Omega-3 Fish Oil

Make sure these things are optimal and then retest your TT first thing in the morning.

Your Free T number looks awesome. A huge percent of your T is unbound. Do some research and you will see that many say Free T is what is most important.

Finally, how confident are you in the lab that performed these tests for you?

Ok One.
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You always want to get your natural T levels checked in the morning shortly after you wake up. That is when they are the highest. It naturally fluctuates during the day and night.

I would imagine that irregular shift work has to affect your sleep quality and test levels. Any way you can just work the day shift?

I'm not telling you anything new I am sure, but if you can get your BF% down a few points that will make a difference.
hi guys,

So got my t levels tested are the results

Time: 7AM empty stomach

T Total: 376.18 ng/dl (142.39-923.14)
Free T : 10.10 pg/ml (8.69-54.69)

I also have low B12 and D3 levels for which the doctor prescribed me medicines.

How to proceed further from here???