first time


New member
ok so this morning I took my first m-1-t tablet. This is also the first tablet of anything more than tribulus or creatine ever. It was a 10 mg tablet. I am just wondering what to expect. Part of me keeps imagining surreal results. But my research has me expecting to see nothing at all for atleast a couple of days. Then there is the other part that wonders just how much effect will be from the placebo effect. That scares me the most because that makes me think that if I don't expect to get great gains, then maybe I won't.
What really sucks is that everytime I read about somebody's experience with M-1-T, I am left wondering, well why did they do it in first place. Ok that sounds vague, so I will try to get more detailed. I am used to reading things like the following: "Oh this stuff was great, its and absolute steroid, I mean it took my bench from 235 to 315, oh and after my pct, I was still able to do 280." For me this is confusing because I have up to now never done anything except for a couple of months of creatine and tribulus, yet I have benched 340 and even so I am wondering if the time has indeed come for me to start of if I should take more time to use up all my natural abilities first. I really wish I could read about somebody's experience who I could more closely relate to.
Well regardless of that, I made the decision to start, so it doesn't matter any more. The question now is what doseage will work, keeping in mind that I have never taken any hormonal supplements in the past. I was planning on just doing 10mg/daily for the first week atleast. Then if I saw improvement, staying with that for the entire first cycle. However, I don't want to waste a cycle on useless doseages. So my question is, is 10mg per day for the first cycle of 4 weeks on M-1-T useless? And in how long should I expect to have any effect from this? For example if last week, I benched 275 for 5 reps during my workout, on the same workout should I expect to push it for 6 or 7 or more next time or at the end of my cycle?
I took 20mg daily for a month and had a lack of appetite, insomnia, and minimal strength and mass gains....don't believe the hype Brother! Work on your diet (eating the proper foods, at the right time, in the right amount) along with proper and intense training....thats where its at!
If you want to supplement your training and move past a plateau after complete dedication to the previous, then consider spending your money on a Testosterone ONLY cycle, perhaps 500mg of Test Enan per week for 10 to 12 weeks...provided you are at least in your mid-twenties and have been training natural and consistent for quite some time.

With that said, what are your stats (age, weight, goals, etc.)?
Spartie said:
I took 20mg daily for a month and had a lack of appetite, insomnia, and minimal strength and mass gains....don't believe the hype Brother! Work on your diet (eating the proper foods, at the right time, in the right amount) along with proper and intense training....thats where its at!
If you want to supplement your training and move past a plateau after complete dedication to the previous, then consider spending your money on a Testosterone ONLY cycle, perhaps 500mg of Test Enan per week for 10 to 12 weeks...provided you are at least in your mid-twenties and have been training natural and consistent for quite some time.

With that said, what are your stats (age, weight, goals, etc.)?

32, 215-220, 12-15% bodyfat. I have two goals. I want to bench four hundred and I want to have what I consider to be ideal proportions. During my workout my chest pumps just beyond 48", then goes to about 45.5-46. I would like for it to never be less than 48.5" During my workout my biceps are just over 18" then just over 17.5". I would like for them to never be less than 18.5"-19". Legs pump up just above 28. Not sure where I want this probably between 28-29 when not pumped after cutting. Calves are at 16 want them atleast 19, preferably 20. forearms are 13 would like them at 15. Oh and after cutting and preserving all these measurements, I would like to be at about 8%, permanently, not for a show. Last I have M-1-t, methyl-d extreme and oxavar. I doubt very much that I will consider getting anything stronger.
Good thing fucking up youre natural levels for some shit like that.

Stick to a good diet with good training and plenty sleep and youll grow.