Ok, so I decided to try my first cycle. I've been lifting for quite a few years, but not with the goal of gaining bulk. Until recently, I was digging holes for a living, and needed huge calories just to not waste away. Gaining mass wouldn't have been too likely, spending 10 hours a day on a shovel. I mostly lifted for some strength gains, and to feel good. Anyway, now I'm free of my shackles and looking to gain some mass.
I kinda jumped in and looked at a few cycles on a website. They all look like scams to me, but a friend in real life has used this one and got his gear...whether it was real or not...IDK.
Without thinking, I ordered an Oral-only cycle.
Week Dianabol Nolvadex Clomid
1 30mg/day
2 30mg/day
3 40mg/day 10mg/day
4 40mg/day
5 40mg/day 10mg/day
6 30mg/day 10mg/day
7 50mg/day
8 50mg/day#
But the more I looked into it, the more complex the matter became. For one thing, some forums strongly suggest a dianabol only cycle is as good as useless, while others say it can be effective, especially as a first cycle and others actually RECOMMEND it as a first cycle. However, on the forums that are strongly against it, the people seem a lot less literate and a lot more angry!
So, I'm thinking of maybe trying a test enan cycle or sustanon cycle ...whatever is available. (I'm guessing the obvious question that springs to mind here is forbidden by this forums rules.) And maybe (if the stuff ever even arrives) use some of the d-bol to kick-start.
Where do I find the truth if everyone disagrees? Are ALL online sources a scam? I'm in the UK...so how much would it cost me if I wanted a base-line blood test? Does the needle exchange that junkies use, have intra-muscular needles for pinning? sounds cheapo, I know, but hey!
Are there any really good videos on injecting? I've found a few and read up on the subject, but a really good video is a better way to learn stuff IMO. Out of curiosity, what are the consequences of injecting an air bubble intra-muscularly? I know if that happens intra venously, you are up crap creek without a paddle. Is taking milk thistle and such just broscience? What about liver salts?
And lastly, I think, I go to Egypt every year, and they sell gear in chemists. Is any of this worth bringing back? How much will customs let me get away with? How many extra amps can you fit in a rectum? Does it help if you stretch it with vegetables first?
Ok, I probably missed half the questions that were in my head before I started typing!
Edit: Oh, and why does nobody take body-weight into account when posting cycles? Does it not matter? For the record, I'm currently about 180 pounds with, maybe 8-10% body fat, due to the nature of the slave labour I called a job.
I kinda jumped in and looked at a few cycles on a website. They all look like scams to me, but a friend in real life has used this one and got his gear...whether it was real or not...IDK.
Without thinking, I ordered an Oral-only cycle.
Week Dianabol Nolvadex Clomid
1 30mg/day
2 30mg/day
3 40mg/day 10mg/day
4 40mg/day
5 40mg/day 10mg/day
6 30mg/day 10mg/day
7 50mg/day
8 50mg/day#
But the more I looked into it, the more complex the matter became. For one thing, some forums strongly suggest a dianabol only cycle is as good as useless, while others say it can be effective, especially as a first cycle and others actually RECOMMEND it as a first cycle. However, on the forums that are strongly against it, the people seem a lot less literate and a lot more angry!
So, I'm thinking of maybe trying a test enan cycle or sustanon cycle ...whatever is available. (I'm guessing the obvious question that springs to mind here is forbidden by this forums rules.) And maybe (if the stuff ever even arrives) use some of the d-bol to kick-start.
Where do I find the truth if everyone disagrees? Are ALL online sources a scam? I'm in the UK...so how much would it cost me if I wanted a base-line blood test? Does the needle exchange that junkies use, have intra-muscular needles for pinning? sounds cheapo, I know, but hey!
Are there any really good videos on injecting? I've found a few and read up on the subject, but a really good video is a better way to learn stuff IMO. Out of curiosity, what are the consequences of injecting an air bubble intra-muscularly? I know if that happens intra venously, you are up crap creek without a paddle. Is taking milk thistle and such just broscience? What about liver salts?
And lastly, I think, I go to Egypt every year, and they sell gear in chemists. Is any of this worth bringing back? How much will customs let me get away with? How many extra amps can you fit in a rectum? Does it help if you stretch it with vegetables first?
Ok, I probably missed half the questions that were in my head before I started typing!
Edit: Oh, and why does nobody take body-weight into account when posting cycles? Does it not matter? For the record, I'm currently about 180 pounds with, maybe 8-10% body fat, due to the nature of the slave labour I called a job.