First timer, still researching. A few questions


New member
Ok, so I decided to try my first cycle. I've been lifting for quite a few years, but not with the goal of gaining bulk. Until recently, I was digging holes for a living, and needed huge calories just to not waste away. Gaining mass wouldn't have been too likely, spending 10 hours a day on a shovel. I mostly lifted for some strength gains, and to feel good. Anyway, now I'm free of my shackles and looking to gain some mass.
I kinda jumped in and looked at a few cycles on a website. They all look like scams to me, but a friend in real life has used this one and got his gear...whether it was real or not...IDK.
Without thinking, I ordered an Oral-only cycle.

Week Dianabol Nolvadex Clomid
1 30mg/day
2 30mg/day
3 40mg/day 10mg/day
4 40mg/day
5 40mg/day 10mg/day
6 30mg/day 10mg/day
7 50mg/day
8 50mg/day#

But the more I looked into it, the more complex the matter became. For one thing, some forums strongly suggest a dianabol only cycle is as good as useless, while others say it can be effective, especially as a first cycle and others actually RECOMMEND it as a first cycle. However, on the forums that are strongly against it, the people seem a lot less literate and a lot more angry!

So, I'm thinking of maybe trying a test enan cycle or sustanon cycle ...whatever is available. (I'm guessing the obvious question that springs to mind here is forbidden by this forums rules.) And maybe (if the stuff ever even arrives) use some of the d-bol to kick-start.
Where do I find the truth if everyone disagrees? Are ALL online sources a scam? I'm in the how much would it cost me if I wanted a base-line blood test? Does the needle exchange that junkies use, have intra-muscular needles for pinning? sounds cheapo, I know, but hey!
Are there any really good videos on injecting? I've found a few and read up on the subject, but a really good video is a better way to learn stuff IMO. Out of curiosity, what are the consequences of injecting an air bubble intra-muscularly? I know if that happens intra venously, you are up crap creek without a paddle. Is taking milk thistle and such just broscience? What about liver salts?
And lastly, I think, I go to Egypt every year, and they sell gear in chemists. Is any of this worth bringing back? How much will customs let me get away with? How many extra amps can you fit in a rectum? Does it help if you stretch it with vegetables first?
Ok, I probably missed half the questions that were in my head before I started typing!

Edit: Oh, and why does nobody take body-weight into account when posting cycles? Does it not matter? For the record, I'm currently about 180 pounds with, maybe 8-10% body fat, due to the nature of the slave labour I called a job.
Welcome to Ology!

You will soon find that users here are against oral-only cycles. The risk doesn't compare with the reward.

What's your age and training history?

For a first cycle the general consensus is:

test-e 12 week @ 500mg/w|250mg pinned 2x/w
exemstane as an AI @ 12.5 ED starting out
HCG is optional but great to have @ 500iu/w|250iu x2/w

Nolva 40/40/20/20
Clomid 50/50/50/50
Chase pretty much nailed it,
If u did any real research you'd know gains on dbol are lost once you stop taking it so pretty much the cycle you outlined is only good for throwing money down the drain, killing your liver, and getting a limp dick......why would you want to be a bloated fish for 8weeks anyway
Welcome to Ology!

You will soon find that users here are against oral-only cycles. The risk doesn't compare with the reward.

What's your age and training history?

For a first cycle the general consensus is:

test-e 12 week @ 500mg/w|250mg pinned 2x/w
exemstane as an AI @ 12.5 ED starting out
HCG is optional but great to have @ 500iu/w|250iu x2/w

Nolva 40/40/20/20
Clomid 50/50/50/50

nothing more needs to be said
Welcome to Ology!

You will soon find that users here are against oral-only cycles. The risk doesn't compare with the reward.

What's your age and training history?

For a first cycle the general consensus is:

test-e 12 week @ 500mg/w|250mg pinned 2x/w
exemstane as an AI @ 12.5 ED starting out
HCG is optional but great to have @ 500iu/w|250iu x2/w

Nolva 40/40/20/20
Clomid 50/50/50/50

Thanks. I'm 37 and have been lifting for maybe 15 years, but only as part of boxing/martial arts training for the most part, not specifically for hypertrophy. Since I packed in the chop-socky, I stepped it up, but only as much as my job would allow, or I'd get wiped out. Now I have a job where I can get paid AND rest.
Edit: I'm in the UK, and was wondering If I could hit up the NHS for my PCT? Like I see my gp and say I accidentally injected steroids for 12 weeks and now I'm scared I'm gonna start lactating, would I be able to get a freebie?
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Chase pretty much nailed it,
If u did any real research you'd know gains on dbol are lost once you stop taking it so pretty much the cycle you outlined is only good for throwing money down the drain, killing your liver, and getting a limp dick......why would you want to be a bloated fish for 8weeks anyway

Well, when research turns up conflicting accounts, it can take a while to get to the truth. This is why there are still people who think aliens built the pyramids. Unfortunately, none of the sources I researched were as obvious as David Icke. But, I'm leaning towards what you said, based on what I've read on here so far.
Did u really just ask us how much gear u can stuff up your ass? Then u went on about stretching it with vegetables first? Wtf kind of post is that???
Did u really just ask us how much gear u can stuff up your ass? Then u went on about stretching it with vegetables first? Wtf kind of post is that???
I should have put a smiley face or said "lol", I guess. Yes, that was a joke. But if anyone has bought gear from a chemist in Egypt, I'd like to know if it's good quality. I'd assume not, because I don't see anybody walking around looking like a flying squirrel. But then there are dietary restrictions for many people in the rural areas I tend to stay.
Doubt anyone on here flies to Egypt for their gear, just sayin'

Yeah, just asking on the off chance. I go there anyway, and they sell gear in all the chemists. I found a few guys online saying they got test enanthate from Sharm el Sheikh and it was ok, but I'll put that on the "try it myself" list, I guess
There are known online sources for UK I believe. Stick around and get your learn on.

I placed a test order with one, but "minimum orders" make me suspicious. I know I can't ask for sources here, but is there a forum on here where I can name-and-shame if they stiff me? I believe things are easier here in the UK than the US, but online research is dodgy. All the "review" sites look like they are set up BY a site to push that site. I could buy in person, but everyone round here seems to only get gear in spring, thinking they'll get swole for summer. Plus, I'd rather let people know I'm on gear. I want people to ASK me if I'm on gear, so I know I'm making progress.
Ahh, ok so the gear arrived already. Plus they sent some extra stuff I had to Google, and can honestly say I've never had any use for! I think I'll hit them up for injectables and just give the d-bol to the dog.
There is a link on the page to the labs they claim to be getting the gear from, so you can "check" they are a valid supplier used by that lab, and they check out, but C'MON! That's hardly proof. How do I check further? I've Googled the Hell out of it, and keep coming up with Forums and people posting that they are G2G, and I've checked those people to make sure they are posting regularly and not just spending all day praising one lab, but is there any other way? I hear you can get test that a good idea? I suppose scammers could send legit gear for the first order or two.
The site also asks you to contact them as soon as you receive your order...Not sure why, so I'm keeping quiet until the second order arrives.
Will source syringes and needles closer to home. Oh, does anybody know about the needle exchange here in the UK? Do you have to be a registered heroin addict to use it, or can anyone swap used needles for new ones?
why don't u just buy new needles? I'm currently in china and i get each needle for 0.10Cents(american), i throw the old ones out :)
why don't u just buy new needles? I'm currently in china and i get each needle for 0.10Cents(american), i throw the old ones out :)

Oh, I didn't mean to save money, just to take some of the hassle out of ordering online. Especially when people insist on me being there to sign for stuff, 'cus the trip to the return depot if I miss the postie, is quite annoying.
Oh, I didn't mean to save money, just to take some of the hassle out of ordering online. Especially when people insist on me being there to sign for stuff, 'cus the trip to the return depot if I miss the postie, is quite annoying.

oh, i thought id would be easier to just buy them from your local pharmacies in egypt or do they have strict rules?
oh, i thought id would be easier to just buy them from your local pharmacies in egypt or do they have strict rules?

I don't live in Egypt. I just go there every summer. I'm sure they sell needles if they sell test over the counter. Anyway, I found a place that delivers on Saturdays at no extra charge, so it's all good