first tren cycle need some point erz


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I am considering a tren ace and test e and prop with some anadrol next year. Thinking of 50 mg anadrol week 1-5 ace 50 mg eod, prop 50 mg eod test e 250 mg week with hcg aromasin and caber. A normal pct Nova clomid. Any suggestions on it or does it sound good.
It would be like my 10 th,i am about to start test e, npp, and dbol in July. I was going to use the prop as a jump start for test and after week five drop it think I miss typed before.
Did i read right or you didnt mention how long the cycle was? You just said week 1-5..... I dont see a reason to run prop and test e just more of a hassle.... and stay away from tren that stuff is yucky
Did i read right or you didnt mention how long the cycle was? You just said week 1-5..... I dont see a reason to run prop and test e just more of a hassle.... and stay away from tren that stuff is yucky

Tren is a big waste of time right
I have read it is the nectar of the gods, ***55357;***56834; lol. But seriously I have seen it transform people into giants changing muscle shape. Crazy compound just a little weary of the whole sides thing.
MegaTREN28? Haha ;)

jolter, yes Tren is in another league when it comes to things like Test, Deca, EQ etc all the classics, but it comes with the sides to boot. It's also damn harsh. I don't see why you are bothering with the Test E when running Tren Acetate and Test Prop... IMO 5-8 weeks of Tren Ace is plenty and I wouldn't go longer infact I doubt you could handle longer than that and if you can (I'm talking about the sides) then your body if it could would be screaming to get off it.

ED injections will keep blood levels more stable than EOD, this is fact. This will reduce sides, both physically in when it comes to Tren mentally as well. EOD vs ED injections of Tren Acetate drastically reduce sides, but they are still present, except it just doesn't come in waves of anxiety as I like to say.

I'd go with Test P and Tren A, Anadrol if you have experience with then stick with it if you want, will only add to tren sides IMO.
. I was going to use the prop as a jump start for test and after week five drop it think I miss typed before.

jump starting or front loading test prop with test e in pretty much any cycle where 'test' is the main compound is a good idea in my opinion ,, except with a classic low dose test plus tren cycle.. theres really no point in front loading test p for this,, your just running the test cause tren has you shut down, , you don't need super high levels of test and more aromatization to deal with.. just let the tren do its thing
Tren Hmmmmm, Def my favorite but one person may say it comes with horrible sides and a other person may say hardly any sides
Myself I feel better on tren then any other aas out there, I don't suffer insomnia, anxiety, or any of that, only sides I suffer but I guess it's pretty harsh is tren cough right after injection this time around lol Seems like once every few injects I get it and last for a few min, hard to say but kinda use to it now lol, sucks but it's one side I suffer, other side I suffer is abit more aggressive on tren, but I kinda like that feeling, at times I get frustrated like I wanna lash out on somebody but I gotta remind myself it's the tren talking
Other then that it just depends on the individual, everyone differs
Also to note when I blast tren my sex drive is off the roof, like an animal, and when I don't get it I get moody, totally different feelin on tren then anything else at least ha, girls that look so so off tren look.mighty tasty on tren :)
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This is off topic but I have to say that Tren is the most amazing thing I have ever tried.

I've done all the classics and somehow I managed to never hear about the tren sides or how good it is, and when I found a good source I tried Tren just for shits-n-giggles, just another one to check off the bucket list.

Well! After a few weeks I looked in the mirror and thought, "where the f*ck did all my body fat go??" And appetite...... HFS man, every hour or so I was thinking, "Man I need to shove some food into my face before I starve." There was no watching the clock to make sure I was eating regularly, I had to eat non-stop AND fat was falling off my body. It was all so amazing I had to google tren and finally found out what a wonder drug it is supposed to be.

As I am sitting here typing this, I just took a shot that included tren e and I do feel some phlem building up in my throat, so maybe that is the cough that some people mention or maybe I'm just imagining it now that I've read about it. But in terms of other tren sides, the only one I've experienced is hot looking women smiling at me.
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I'm running Tren A right now. 50mg ed. About 5 weeks in. Dbol first 4 weeks. No test but using HCG. Second cycle involving Tren A. First cycle was equal dose test p and Tren A.

I gotta say I'm loving it so far. Great results so far. I was ripping up even with the dbol involved. The sides are virtually nonexistent. Sure I sweat more and Tren gives me a mild cough at all times but so far so good. Sex drive is normal. The sides were much worse during first run with test/Tren combo.

I realize most recommend test with Tren. Probably for good reasons. Certainly there are tons of well respected members here with the opposite opinion. In the end it may bite me in the ass but I seriously can't believe how well the Tren is working without the test. Much better results this go around.
I'm running Tren A right now. 50mg ed. About 5 weeks in. Dbol first 4 weeks. No test but using HCG. Second cycle involving Tren A. First cycle was equal dose test p and Tren A.

I gotta say I'm loving it so far. Great results so far. I was ripping up even with the dbol involved. The sides are virtually nonexistent. Sure I sweat more and Tren gives me a mild cough at all times but so far so good. Sex drive is normal. The sides were much worse during first run with test/Tren combo.

I realize most recommend test with Tren. Probably for good reasons. Certainly there are tons of well respected members here with the opposite opinion. In the end it may bite me in the ass but I seriously can't believe how well the Tren is working without the test. Much better results this go around.

Whos dick did you blaze to get all those greensquares! !?? Lol j.k but seriously howd you get them haha

Dam no test id love for you to keep us updated i think i lasted 3 weeks on tren with no test did not like how it felt. I bet your dry as fuck id still say you should have at least 10o mgs test ew if anything but keep us posted and be prepared to get ripped on lol
49ER, hCG is his test base... The only way you can really do no test is with hCG as a base.

This is off topic but I have to say that Tren is the most amazing thing I have ever tried.

I've done all the classics and somehow I managed to never hear about the tren sides or how good it is, and when I found a good source I tried Tren just for shits-n-giggles, just another one to check off the bucket list.

Well! After a few weeks I looked in the mirror and thought, "where the f*ck did all my body fat go??" And appetite...... HFS man, every hour or so I was thinking, "Man I need to shove some food into my face before I starve." There was no watching the clock to make sure I was eating regularly, I had to eat non-stop AND fat was falling off my body. It was all so amazing I had to google tren and finally found out what a wonder drug it is supposed to be.

As I am sitting here typing this, I just took a shot that included tren e and I do feel some phlem building up in my throat, so maybe that is the cough that some people mention or maybe I'm just imagining it now that I've read about it. But in terms of other tren sides, the only one I've experienced is hot looking women smiling at me.

I envy you bro, but then again I get these effects from Deca so win-win.
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Alright someone explain to me how running HCG is the same as running test.

So what your saying is I can run the classic Dbol only cycle as long as I run HCG?