first tren cycle need some point erz

Alright someone explain to me how running HCG is the same as running test.

So what your saying is I can run the classic Dbol only cycle as long as I run HCG?

hCG = Natural testoerone/estrogen production running whilst still being able to use other anabolics besides test itself.

I am saying exactly that, infact the only way to do an oral only cycle in my eyes is to run hCG at the least if no test is being used.

You could run hCG+Tren and/or Deca, NPP, Masteron only if you wanted... Whatever you want as long as you are running a test base or hCG. Test and Estrogen are important for physiological functions and mental well-being, which will be supressed if running a cycle.
hCG = Natural testoerone/estrogen production running whilst still being able to use other anabolics besides test itself.

I am saying exactly that, infact the only way to do an oral only cycle in my eyes is to run hCG at the least if no test is being used.

You could run hCG+Tren and/or Deca, NPP, Masteron only if you wanted... Whatever you want as long as you are running a test base or hCG. Test and Estrogen are important for physiological functions and mental well-being, which will be supressed if running a cycle.

I can't imagine that the hCG in this scenario would get one's TT above hypogonadal levels. And I would think E2 would be very low as well. I would love to see blood work though to confirm. Just seems like a bass akwards way to go about running a cycle.
I can't imagine that the hCG in this scenario would get one's TT above hypogonadal levels. And I would think E2 would be very low as well. I would love to see blood work though to confirm. Just seems like a bass akwards way to go about running a cycle.

I don't see how it it can't be done, hCG is just mimicking the LH and will keep your natural systems running (if they are already working). TT and E2 are wiped out or very low in case of e2 for the most part of Tren, Deca, any DHT based AAS, EQ... hCG is just running your nuts to get a source of Test as it would naturally while the LH is shutdown via AAS. Your not getting supraphysiogical levels via this route, just replacing and keeping really what the body would normally have that it now doesnt due to be shutdown by other AAS.
I can't imagine that the hCG in this scenario would get one's TT above hypogonadal levels. And I would think E2 would be very low as well. I would love to see blood work though to confirm. Just seems like a bass akwards way to go about running a cycle.

Sounds like a waste of time since test will help get you better gains on the cycle anyways, but I would like to see blood levels just to know if hcg can keep test levels normal when running a cycle with no test base. I still don't get why people would not want that good feeling you get from test, but whatever.
re: hcg as a test replacement

Unlike 99% of the folks on this forum, I have always been a fan of low androgens (while using what would be considered a more than ample share of less-androgenic anabolics). I am not a competitive bodybuilder and would rather give up a couple pounds of gains if it means not having my upper left heart ventricle and prostate bathing in testosterone. I don't bother trying to talk anyone else into my line of thinking but I run at most a mild maintenance amount of test, or some hcg.
I don't see how it it can't be done, hCG is just mimicking the LH and will keep your natural systems running (if they are already working). TT and E2 are wiped out or very low in case of e2 for the most part of Tren, Deca, any DHT based AAS, EQ... hCG is just running your nuts to get a source of Test as it would naturally while the LH is shutdown via AAS. Your not getting supraphysiogical levels via this route, just replacing and keeping really what the body would normally have that it now doesnt due to be shutdown by other AAS.

Maybe you are right. It would be interesting to see blood work.
One thing for sure is I think it would be much easier convincing all these oral only cycles to at least run some HCG if they're not willing to step up to the plate with testosterone

Sorry for the hi jack OP
Maybe I have missed where you posted your complete stats. I've been looking over many of your posts and started treads. This cycle plans and the next years cycle and you've done ten (10) cycles?
Op you ask some very fundamental Q's for someone who is/has been using aas for any length of time.

Please point me to your stats if I missed them or please post them... your stats and some history please, so then I and someone may help you better with what your goals are. Your Goals for this and other cycles. :dunno:
What happened to this post: I quote your thread and post?

test e, test P,npp,dbol....

I am going to run alpha pharma test e 600 mg a week 16 weeks, dragon pharma npp 450 week 1-10,blue heart danabol 50 mg week 1-6,gp test e 300 mg week 1-5.caber .25 e3d, aromasin 25 mg eod, pct the usaull Nova 40/20/20/20 clomid 100/50/50/50... My next cycle will be test p, anadrol, and tren ace.
Could you run a 20 week test e, and starts week 1-8 tren, week8-15 npp?

It appears that you jolter that you have no education as to the steroid profiles and how to put sensible cycles together for a particular goal. Really most all your Q's are off the wall.

PS: Stats please
My stats I am 6'4" 210 37 years old. Cycling age 17 sus and halotesn 10 weeker,age 18 cyp and dbol 10 weeker,age 19 Decca and cyp 1o weeker. 20 was a cyp and winstrol 10 weeker. Then I stopped aas for a while jumped on when I was 32 test e and Decca 8 weeker then in December I did a test e, eq, turanibol 13 weeker. Now I am about to run test e, npp, and dbol. I only heard about tren from hear say and how it had crazy sides. Until I researched it on the internet.and my knowledge of aas was only from the gym until october last year i started reading into all these steroid forums.glad i did....
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My goal is to reach at least 230 pounds.and Cruz with that weight.and i never atated haing sany superior knowledge of aas.
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ok i have read at least a hundred threads and they are saying too different things about dosing.some say high test and tren,others say low test high tren.the only scientific reasoning was that they both fight for the receptors and tren is stronger so you have free floating test making higher amounts of side effects.........
ok i have read at least a hundred threads and they are saying too different things about dosing.some say high test and tren,others say low test high tren.the only scientific reasoning was that they both fight for the receptors and tren is stronger so you have free floating test making higher amounts of side effects.........

You can run it either way. Period.

I am personally doing low test (my normal TRT dose) and tren. I am doing it this way simply because I know I can manage estradiol on my TRT dose of test.