how tall are you? have u worked out how many calories you might need/
At 16 and wanting to reach 200lbs i would estimate that you could safely be chugging down around 3500-4000 calories (maybe more depending on ur training and metabolism which should be high anyway at 16)
Split ur meals thoughout the day and get good quality protein at each meal
Stuff like:
Lean Beef
Chicken, Turkey
Fish including oily fish
Cottage Cheese
Get a good amount of carbs too to grow and train
Stuff like:
Sweet potatoes and yams
Whole wheat pasta
Dextrose (save this for post workout though)
You can get ur good fats from Flax oil, fish oils and oily fish, avacados, Olive oils, Nuts and nut butters
I think you could try a 50/40/10 carb/protein/fat split on ur macronutrients but maybe others will suggest differently