food plan


New member
i am 16 about 182lbs and i a trying to reach 200 but i do not want to put on to much fat i know that fat is the first step in bulking up but it is very difficult for me to lose it after i have gained it. can somebody please give me some advice on wat i should be eating please
how tall are you? have u worked out how many calories you might need/

At 16 and wanting to reach 200lbs i would estimate that you could safely be chugging down around 3500-4000 calories (maybe more depending on ur training and metabolism which should be high anyway at 16)

Split ur meals thoughout the day and get good quality protein at each meal

Stuff like:
Lean Beef
Chicken, Turkey
Fish including oily fish
Cottage Cheese

Get a good amount of carbs too to grow and train
Stuff like:
Sweet potatoes and yams
Whole wheat pasta
Dextrose (save this for post workout though)

You can get ur good fats from Flax oil, fish oils and oily fish, avacados, Olive oils, Nuts and nut butters

I think you could try a 50/40/10 carb/protein/fat split on ur macronutrients but maybe others will suggest differently
Good post Muay Thai Guy.
Be sure that you are taking in at least one gram of protein per body pound and split it up amongst your six meals. You may wish to start taking in 182g a day of protein and increase it gradually. :)
The only thing that I would change is the the 10% fat. Personally, I find that too low, especially for your age. I'd stay in the 20% fat zone but you could try the suggested split and alter it as you go along.:)
since ur RMR is 2149 for your goal weight of 200lbs
x that by 1.55 for ur total daily energy expendature
= 3300.95
You want a surplus on top of that so add 500 calories
3800.95 calories

Now u need to calculate how much training you are doing, lets say for arguments sake it's burning roughly 300 calories just being active and training so add that and u have

4200 calories
if you're going for a 40/40/20

then you'll need a whopping 420g protein and 420g carbs
and 93g fat

You might want to up ur carbs a bit to 50% and maybe drop ur protein a bit? I'm not sure what does Fyre suggest?

You would probably split all that food by at least 6 meals but i think 7 or even 8 meals might be ur best bet for that many calories... again i'm no expert so let someone else tell u what's a better idea.. Fyre???