Gains from Creatine


New member
What is the best gains you guys have had and dosage to run Creatine at and should you load? I have used it before and never have had great gains but some people swear by it.
gotenks004 said:
What is the best gains you guys have had and dosage to run Creatine at and should you load? I have used it before and never have had great gains but some people swear by it.

Let's clarify some things on creatine here. Some people seem to look at it like it's some magical supplement that makes you gain muscle, or some even look at it like it's a steroid that needs cycled.

The supplement creatine is used to support your muscles energy systems. Muscles store glycogen (chains of glucose) and creatine phosphate. These are used to create ATP, which your muscles use for energy.

Glycogen is used for workouts to fuel the muscles, but very hard exertion of the muscle require very fast production of ATP. Creatine phosphate allows for faster ATP production, so it's used for the very hard exertions like the last few reps in a set.

That's what creatine does. It gives your muscles fuel to work harder.

Look at creatine like you look at carbs. Both supply energy to the muscles to work harder, and both pull water into the muscle cells with them.

You wouldn't cycle carbs for 8 weeks on, 2 weeks off, would you? You wouldn't say carbs in and of themselves create muscle tissue, would you?

So when you look at it like you look at carbs, then consider the loading phase. Like carbs, you can load them and fill up stores fast, or you could eat more carbs for a longer time and eventually fill up stores. If you can afford it, then you might as well do the loading phase.

5g a day after loading should be more than enough.
i think it is completely over rated, i think the reason that people gain weight on it is because it makes your muscles hold water
man hold water maybe for some but every time i have taken creatine i build about 7 lbs of muscle and maybe lose 2, so I don't know what brand you are using or if your diet is messed up or maybe your body just doesnt react well to creatine, but almost every one i have met who has taken creatine has gained and kept weight as long as they kept working out.
I gain a lot of water... but it helps in the long run...

but its not a uber-supp... nice and cheap though.