GF's Diet- no clue.


New member
My girlfriend is wanting to lose some wight so she asked me to put her on a program but there is a catch- she has low blood sugar and was told by her doctor that she needs to eat complex carbs at least 4 times a day-Fuck.
I dont know how to setup her nutrition program for weight loss- I was thinking about having her eat carbs with her breakfast-lunch-and after her workout but I dont knowwhen I should have her do cardio since she cant do it in the mornin with low blood sugar- any ideas on how I should set this up??

I mean- do vegetables count as the carbs she can have or does she need something like oatmeal to raise her blood sugar?
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What is a "compound" carb -

And in most cases i would never count a fibrous carb in the equation.

You want the honest opinon here - MAKE SURE SHE IS TAKING IN FRUIT. They are a great source of sustained energy and keep blood sugar more even.

Fruit gets a bad rap about being only stored as liver glycogen. If you understand how to use fruit in a diet properly it will make things so much nicer.

If she has low blood sugar - I would really try and get her to be eating 5 meals / day. Space them out every 3 1/2 hrs.

You didn't give any info on here height, weight, bf, activity level so i wouldn't be able to tell you how much of anything to use.
DirkMoneyshot said:
What is a "compound" carb -

And in most cases i would never count a fibrous carb in the equation.

You want the honest opinon here - MAKE SURE SHE IS TAKING IN FRUIT. They are a great source of sustained energy and keep blood sugar more even.

Fruit gets a bad rap about being only stored as liver glycogen. If you understand how to use fruit in a diet properly it will make things so much nicer.

If she has low blood sugar - I would really try and get her to be eating 5 meals / day. Space them out every 3 1/2 hrs.

You didn't give any info on here height, weight, bf, activity level so i wouldn't be able to tell you how much of anything to use.

she is 130lbs at about 5-8 or so.

I got her workout down I was just wondering about the diet
this is what I was thinking

meal 1 - 20G protein with 1/2 cup oatmeal

meal 2- 20 G protein with almonds

meal 3 -20 G protein with an apple

weight train and cardio

meal 4- 30 grams protein and 30 G dextrose( on the days she dosent weight train and she only does cardio I will replace the dextrose with olive oil or almonds or a good fat)

meal 5-protein before bed with som almonds

What do you think about this bro- I am new to the field of helping women lose weight so I know this probably has room for improvement.

And yes I thought fruit was just used as liver glycogen so could you explain how it would help regulate her blood sugar?
DirkMoneyshot said:
What is a "compound" carb

compound carbs is not the simple carbs !
if i eat rice or pasta, thats comp. carbs
but if i drink a juice , thats simple carbs
am i wrong?