GHRH/GHRP: Anyone experiencing negative sides?


New member
If anyone is experiencing negative sides would they please list the below information:

Which peps they are using and dosage?
What sides they are experiencing?
How they are treating the side effects?
Are you on or off aas?
Any other info you think is relevant.

I would greatly appreciate any info. I have found info on how/which peps to take but I can't find much info on any sides people are experiencing. I just want to be well informed before I try them out.
I wouldn't say I have had any "negative" sides from any peps that I have taken. the worst side was from GHRP6, about 5 minutes after I would inject subQ I would get hunger pains, and I mean it was painful and I would crave teh wierdest food. I had to eat some carbs before the injection to help with hunger problems. I have moved to GHRP2 and havent had those problems.
Just a note from my research adding the Carbs prior to a pep injection is counter productive to the end result. They should be taken on an Empty stomach and wait 30 min to eat.

I would be more intrested in seeing some one post some posotive sides from using peps. With some ACTUAL PROOF not here say. Back it up with Bloods to say the least.
Just a note from my research adding the Carbs prior to a pep injection is counter productive to the end result. They should be taken on an Empty stomach and wait 30 min to eat.

I would be more intrested in seeing some one post some posotive sides from using peps. With some ACTUAL PROOF not here say. Back it up with Bloods to say the least.

Thats what I had read and the reason why I switched over the GHRP2. Was using RP6 for the increase in appetite but the pains were a bitch and I had to switch.
Why not just research the peptides you want to use rather than starting a thread asking about subjective side effects that may or may not have been the cause of peptides.

Google will give you a list of possible side effects if any. Most every sponsor who sells these, not only gives you an explanation if what they are, how they work, but also possible sides.
Probably want to read the informational articles on the home page about peptides. I created them to help brief new researchers and customers to the peptide industry. They are reference material and inserts I refer to or have over the years. Some of the information I have concluded on from my personal research and years of experience in this industry.
The only "negatives" that my subject would state so far are:

1. The hunger, no more leftovers the next day cause my subject eats everything now.
2. Human pin cushion, 2-3pins/ day on top of MGF and IGF-1LR3
Why not just research the peptides you want to use rather than starting a thread asking about subjective side effects that may or may not have been the cause of peptides.

Google will give you a list of possible side effects if any. Most every sponsor who sells these, not only gives you an explanation if what they are, how they work, but also possible sides.
I respect your opinion, but don't we use these forums to educate and inform each other with our experiences. What's the point if we can't do that. Also, I have been researching these peptides for several weeks now and I have learned alot. To be honest with you it pisses me off to see experienced knowledgeable members discouraging new members to ask questions!
I'm with you Alexus, out of pins is my only negative. GHRP-2 and Mod GRF 1-29 45 days in. Research subject is feeling good, down a few lbs, keeping gains, and workouts feel better/stronger. (no aas)

Also incorporated GW 501516, probably 10 days in on that. Haven't noticed a big difference in endurance or lack of fatigue yet. With time I'm sure results will come.
My rats been on Ghrp-2 & serm 100mcg a day for about 3 wks and they are very fatigued, tired, cranky , have bad headaches . No deep sleep, no better nothing :( Adding Melanotan 2 , first day/ dose - rats are pumped up and restless ! What the hell.... My rats are weird.
My rats have had no real negative side effects as of yet. Although they have only been on a peptide protocol for a couple / few weeks so far.

Rat 1 (female) = 100mcg ipamorelin and 100 mcg CJC1295 (no DAC) once a day at night. No negative side effects at all. Only positive response to this combination and dosage so far.
Rat 2 (male) = 100mcg ipamorelin and 100 mcg CJC1295 (no DAC) three times a day. Some minor fatigue to date, but nothing major that makes life unbearable.

Both rats have only experienced positive enhancements so far that include better sleep, recovery, healing, and what seems to be a raised immune system response to a yucky cold.
Im interested in this as well. Seriously considering a peptide run.
My expectations are realistic but like the OP Im curious as to any sides or even effects I may experience as well.
I'm trying Peptides for the first time. This is my first time doing anything. I'm doing GHRP-2 minimum dose of 4 units first thing in the morning on empty stomach for 30 mins and clen, 1ml in the morning straight after my shot.

I've only been doing it for 2 days, but I feel run down and joints are achy. Muscles feel super pumped not sure if it's from gear or workout.

Please everyone give me feedback. I need to know if these side effects are normal. I feel the sore achiness you get, as if low immune system and about to get a cold.