GHRP-6 dosage newbie help


New member
Swim, (someone who is not me) acquired about these new peptide things swim is already halfway through his first

tren acetate cycle but am tired of paying out the ass lol no pun intended. But, SWIM has no clue to use this

GHRP-6 it is in

a 5mg vial,

does SWIM use this just like the tren? Injecting into the buttocks? SWIM has a 3ml vetinary syringe 22ga

needle because in SWIMS state you cant buy any insulin syringes so just vet syringes everyone on the

internet says 100mcg-500mcg 3 times a day my question is WTF is an mcg? How many ml's or cc's should SWIM use a day?

SWIM wants to use cc's so that is most of the problem and can GHRP-6 by used with the tren while halfway through the cycle,

or should SWIM cycle down off the tren before doing this GHRP-6 cycle? So how much in cc's and everyday

every other day?

How much here guys and is it safe to do with tren any info on this would be great because my main

]confusion is this mcg

bullcrap when SWIM has cc's and how much to do and when? and does it need to be mixed saw something about that too or can it be used without any mixing? thank you for reading this post and hope to get some real good answers here soon
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well , u need to do my research boy . Ur running acetate for starts alone thats a bad idea get some test in thier . But if u want to run ur ghrp i would recomend x3 300mcg a day . I was running cjc /ghrp combo at 100/200mcg x3 a day and recently stopped and have just been pinning the ghrp 300mcgx3 a day and have been seeing more results. im ripped as fuck to put it simply. and i eat in surplus everyday clean foods too .
I have NEVER seen the term "SWIM" other than at the drug type forums.

"first tren acetate cycle " are you using Tren on its own?
also what do you mean paying out the ass? tren and test is pritty cheap and peptides are not any cheaper.

anyway what your asking is just too much keep researching here. no spoon feeding ;-)

How old are you?
im back from many days of research ive been reading my ass off and learned alot i had joined a private forum that had a number of readings that have been very helpful dats shit is amazing and dnt really expect to be spoon fed jst some helpful advise among the scene i have also started pinning my ghrp-6 in a saturation doses 4x a day 100-150 mcgs per pin as well with my tren can really feel this strong peptide it also i have decided to stack tren and the ghrh (cjc 1295) and the ghrp-6 ill probably cycle down off the tren and just do these peptides they are strong enough the only thing i cant figure out is the toggling can i toggle back and forth between two ghrp peptides such as ghrp-6 and hexarelin?????? eg can i pin three times a day off ghrp-6 with cjc and the next day pin hexarelin 3x w/cjc as well?????? or can i pin in the morning ghrp-6 then pin miday with hexarelin then before bed ghrp?? or do any saturation doses between the 2??? so please someone let me know about these toggles or if anyone has a peptide toggle link(s) please leave them here or pm my with them id like to know what toggling this way would do i know im still a very new newb but im not scared of a lil learning here guys thats what im really trying to do is get the most i can out of these peptides/tren with my workout thasnks guys

@juiced i guess i was just being cute abt the swim thing and yessss drug forums fuck yeah \m/ and ur avatar is smoking fukin hot is that really u lol? and im 30 and im paying waaaay too much around where im at for anabolic s like a 100-140 for 200mg/ml yeah i know right so yeah these petides can be as low as 16 a piece thats abt what im paying anyways w/o delivery

@diced i have very high blood pressure im stupid and im not even supposed to be doin this idt ill add anymore test to my death ill cycle off and be done with it just needed that extra pump but its doing pretty good on taking this last bit of belly fat off like very fast and with this ghrp its trimming even faster lol ive bulked up 5 lbs in 3 weeks and trimmed so its doing something but i wont continue the anabolics ill stick to these peptides for now for health reasons i may do like 2-cycles a year at the most and it seems like peptides are just a lil bit more healthier blood pressure wise anyways
I maybe wrong but from what i've read you dont start feeling or seeing benefits from the ghrp or the ghrh at all until 2-3 months so how are you feeling anything at all off not even a weeks worth of doses? basically it's like hgh you don't reap any benefits initially.. it's more for the long haul.. mite be different when stacking with tren... i dunno I have yet to try any AAS..

Also use the peptide calculator for your dosages.. make sure your taking the right dosage... i'm a noob in injecting anything and measurements and when taking my frag i read it wrong and did double the first day.. glad i caught it quick enough thou.. but the calculator helps alot..
i can feel the energy from it its strong thats what i was sayin/meant it gives me better energy than the tren or just as good yeah i used that peptide calculator it helps a little initially i had trouble with dosing and the slin pins but i figured it out did the math and it worked out its really not much at all huh? its like nothing
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I can feel the energy from YOU nasty nate. Take your ritalin! haha good luck with everything brother :)
I maybe wrong but from what i've read you dont start feeling or seeing benefits from the ghrp or the ghrh at all until 2-3 months so how are you feeling anything at all off not even a weeks worth of doses? basically it's like hgh you don't reap any benefits initially.. it's more for the long haul.. mite be different when stacking with tren... i dunno I have yet to try any AAS..

Also use the peptide calculator for your dosages.. make sure your taking the right dosage... i'm a noob in injecting anything and measurements and when taking my frag i read it wrong and did double the first day.. glad i caught it quick enough thou.. but the calculator helps alot..

the hgh like benefits you'll start seeing after 2-3 months but other benefits show up much quicker like appetite increase and improved sleep.
been on a Ghrp-6 for 4 weeks now. I have not noticed the increased hunger. I know its good stuff because it comes right from my testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) doc and the pharmacy.

Have noticed better sleep and starting to cut up a little more.
been on a Ghrp-6 for 4 weeks now. I have not noticed the increased hunger. I know its good stuff because it comes right from my testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) doc and the pharmacy.

Have noticed better sleep and starting to cut up a little more.

I actually get more hunger off ghrp2 than 6 for some reason. but it's more of a gradual hunger where I don't get a hunger pain, but after the ghrp2 pin, I can eat a much bigger portion than I normally could.
I actually get more hunger off ghrp2 than 6 for some reason. but it's more of a gradual hunger where I don't get a hunger pain, but after the ghrp2 pin, I can eat a much bigger portion than I normally could.

similiar, ghrp2 makes me hungry as helll, while ghrp6 does little for my hunger.