glutamine pre or post workout?


futile amnesiac
hey guys. doin a cutter so i'm avoiding creatine, was wondering if you guys thought it would be more beneficial to add glutamine to your pre or post shake, or both? thanks.
And why cant you use creatine? IF youre one of them that gains water weight then that is all it is.. water weight that will go away days after you stop using it. I say go on the creatine to.
thanks bast. so should i use the creatine pre and post as well, and if you could, how much glut/creatine pre/post? i was thinking 5g creatine pre/5g glutamine pre/5g creatine post/10g glutamine post. thanks.
I am taking 15 grams of glutamine a day. 5g in the morning, 5g preworkout, and 5g before I go to bed. I take my glutamine pre because in my post I have dextrose and maltodextrin. You dont want to take the glutamine with the extra sugars because they compete with each other and ultimately one looses.
I use 40g Glutamine/day Less I find wont do much.

10g morning, 10g pre workout, 10g post workout, 10g before bedtime

And creatine you could do like this, 5g morning, 5g pre workout, 5g post workout, 5g before bed

Creatine should be taken with carbs, youd maybe like to try some ALA with the creatine to get better results..
I htought I read an article or a post of someone saying Glutamine postworkout is a bad idea. Something about fighting for absorption? Did I read this or was this complete BS?
Who is Mike Jones? said:
I htought I read an article or a post of someone saying Glutamine postworkout is a bad idea. Something about fighting for absorption? Did I read this or was this complete BS?

I have read this somewhere also. I have used glutamine within 1 hour or less preworkout.

Fog, as far as creatine, I have avoided it only because I am a female and I know a few men that steered me clear of it b/c of stomach bloat. As I understand it, creatine ethyl ester will not bloat - but I could be wrong, check that - I am no authority on the subject - but it is my understanding that there are different formulations of creatine. Maybe someone else will read this and offer up some more info in that regard for you or maybe this will at least give you a start for further research into creatine.
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If anything, you would want the water from creatine while cutting. You realize that water in your muscles is a good thing, right? At least most of the time.
fog said:
hey guys. doin a cutter so i'm avoiding creatine, was wondering if you guys thought it would be more beneficial to add glutamine to your pre or post shake, or both? thanks.
Glutamine did absoluely shit for me except drain my wallet
keep your money and just stick with food..if you are getting in 1.5-2 g of pro per day plus carbs and some good fats you dont need antyhing other than a good cheap pro powder and lots of heavy ass weights
blackbeard said:
Glutamine did absoluely shit for me except drain my wallet
keep your money and just stick with food..if you are getting in 1.5-2 g of pro per day plus carbs and some good fats you dont need antyhing other than a good cheap pro powder and lots of heavy ass weights

i'll keep a bottle of glutamine handy even it's 20 bucks worth, do prefer in powder so u can take it with morning protein shake