Good and inexpensive pre-made shakes?


New member
I start fire school tomorrow, its 8am-5pm and only 1 hour for lunch. So I am going to start taking premade shake after break fest and before lunch and wonder if someone could recommand a good brand?
Lipo protein from LG sciences
put 2 scoops and fill an empty water bottle.
make a few and bring them with you.
I do this daily.
somtimes ill make it the night before and put it in fridge so there ready to go the next day.

here is a link:
Make your own shakes. No need to buy expensive overpriced per made ones.

If you are using this as a meal I would make a MRP shake.

Grind up some oatmeal into a powder. I use a coffee grinder to do this.

Add that into our shake along with some natural peanut butter.

This should get you a good amount of good calories to keep you full between meals and give you energy for the physical aspect of fire school.
Make your own shakes. No need to buy expensive overpriced per made ones.

If you are using this as a meal I would make a MRP shake.

Grind up some oatmeal into a powder. I use a coffee grinder to do this.

Add that into our shake along with some natural peanut butter.

This should get you a good amount of good calories to keep you full between meals and give you energy for the physical aspect of fire school.

BUMP!!!! thats what I do! :-)
to make a gainer shake, cept i also add 1-2 bananas and 1 scoop of dex along with the 2 scoppof oatmeal. fillerup with milk and blend away!! :-P