Good idea, bad idea, or doesn't matter?


New member
Hey guys,

Currently on a low test higher tren cycle. Running test e at 250 weekly and tren e at 400 weakly. Coming up on the end of the tren part. (8-9 weeks total). I wanted to get your thoughts on bumping my test up to 500 after the tren is done. Want to take the cycle out to 16 weeks. Would this be ok to bump it up or would it be a better idea to leave it at the same dose that I've been running it? Thanks for any input.
If you want to extend the cycle, bump the test to 500-750mg/wk or you're essentially cruising on a mildly-elevated TRT dose.

Maybe add dbol, drol or something similar as a bridge since it'll take two-three weeks for your test levels to increase to significantly supra-physiological levels.

You'll probably need to increase your AI dose as the test builds up in your system.

PCT 15-20 days after last Test-E pin, as usual.
So, Snow, do you think it would have been best for him to have upped the testE during the last 2 weeks of his tren? Would it my question make a difference if tren E Or A?
So, Snow, do you think it would have been best for him to have upped the testE during the last 2 weeks of his tren? Would it my question make a difference if tren E Or A?

That's how I would've done it, with Tren-E. Long esters make it a bit more of an art, and I'm not accustomed to it - with tren I've only used test P - everything happens within a few days that way.

With the test-E / Tren-E situation, I would think something like

Wk 1-8 Test-E @ 250mg/wk - adex @ 0.25mg EOD
Wk 1-10 Tren-E@ 400mg/wk - prami @ 0.25mg EOD
Wk 9-16 Test-E@ 600mg/wk- adex @ 0.4-0.5mg EOD (approximate)
Wk 9.5-12 Anadrol @ 50mg ED (totally optional, but would be nice IMO)
Thanks snow. I start week 8 the day after tomorrow so I'll go ahead and up the test. That'll give me 2 weeks until the end of the tren give or take depending on how many cc's I actually get out of the bottle. I really appreciate your input. You too smit.