
You got to be kidding??? Why would anyone try a fad diet like that. It would do nothing for any of our weightlifting or bodybuilding goals.
What ever happened to getting your macros straight, setting a calorie restriction and making a diet based on that? Low GI foods, maybe a carb cut-off in place like 6pm or something. Fad diets are fucking gay. Eat less, eat healthy, do cardio.
yes it works , my friend is doing a diet like this and its been 1 month he lost about 20 lbs , with 30 min cardio every second day .
I hate to disagree with everybody here, but that diet will actually work. The total amount of calories is very low. There are virtually no carbs in it, providing a low GI. The bacon in the morning is greasy, but since you won't be mixing it with carbs, your body won't store it as fat. The fat food in the morning will supress your carb cravings. Plus grapefruit is actually a usefull fatburner. There are plenty of studies done on that as well.
That being said, there are a lot of better diets out there, and this diet is in no way usefull for a BB.
I could make a diet based on pizza, and as long as you burn more calories than you bring in, you will lose wieght. That doesn't mean it is healthy. This diet may help you lose the pounds ( because of low calories) but to keep them off you have to change to a healthier diet. If your looking to lose wieght you cannot cheat, you just need to find a healthier more balanced diet and hit the gym.