green bulge....not a good cee product in my opinion


New member
Creatine does not do wonders..nutrition and hard trainig does...but i usually throw creatin into the mix...

I have used...

swole v3-
san v12-
omega sports creatine thunder-
green bulge-
creatine mono-

In all honestly there is nothing special about green bulge is under dosed.

The rest on the list are top notch imo.

I will be tooling around with Taurine powder and CEE ...buying 1000 grams of each and seeing how it goes.
hahah, buts its true this product is very underdosed.

You can go out and buy bulk cee 1000grams and 1000grams of bulk taurine for about 9+ months worth of use.

But if it were up to me and i wasnt looking to save money i would stick to swole v3
very true..just on controled labs is their new holy grail for sups so no bad mouthing them over although i have their glycergrow supp very good supp imo..really helps with vascularity and endurance.