Ground beef preparation


New member
I would like to know a healthy way of preparing ground beef. I bought 85/15 and cooked it in a pot with rice and canned vegetables. I would like to know if its the healthiest way or do you have to grill it?
I would like to know a healthy way of preparing ground beef. I bought 85/15 and cooked it in a pot with rice and canned vegetables. I would like to know if its the healthiest way or do you have to grill it?

personally mate, and I will most likely get shit canned for this, but cook it however you want as long as It fits into your macro and daily calories.

by this I mean pan fry with olive oil if the oil fits your macros, or peanut oil or macadamia oil. Or oven roast it, or grill it with butter if if fits your macros.
thank you for responding. I cooked it in a pot and was afraid of it losing all its nutritional value. I threw in rice and veggies and cooked it all together.
doesnt really matter how you eat it, just eat it. you get bored if you eat it the same way everytime, so get creative and change it up every week