Gyno from PH


New member
Hey guys! I'm in need of some help!!

stats. age:25 ht:5'9'' 170lbs 15%bf

Hi i took a PH about 4 months ago and about 2 months ago i have noticed small round lumps under my nipples and kind of puffy, they are small and not really that sore to touch. I think I have got gyno from not doing a proper P.C.T.

Iam now taking a good natural testosterone booster with a estrogen inhibitor in it. Iam also thinking of buying some letro and running it as well. I need some advice on

1) Should I just keep using the natural testosterone booster with a estrogen inhibitor in it? (no letro)

2) Will the letro and the booster be killing of to much estrogen if i stack both?

3) Keep using the booster to I get letro?
Hey guys! I'm in need of some help!!

stats. age:25 ht:5'9'' 170lbs 15%bf

Hi i took a PH about 4 months ago and about 2 months ago i have noticed small round lumps under my nipples and kind of puffy, they are small and not really that sore to touch. I think I have got gyno from not doing a proper P.C.T.

Iam now taking a good natural testosterone booster with a estrogen inhibitor in it. Iam also thinking of buying some letro and running it as well. I need some advice on

1) Should I just keep using the natural testosterone booster with a estrogen inhibitor in it? (no letro)

2) Will the letro and the booster be killing of to much estrogen if i stack both?

3) Keep using the booster to I get letro?

First off I think it would help if you had a pic of it as well.

Which PH was you using and what dose how long?

What was your PCT? You said not proper, but what DID you do?
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First off I think it would help if you had a pic of it as well.

Which PH was you using and what dose how long?

What was your post cycle therapy (pct)? You said not proper, but what DID you do?

My post cycle therapy (pct) was a natural Test booster (I was a noob). The PH was M-Drol. Going order some letro to moro and will prob take 3 weeks to get here, is that to late and Iam i just wasting my time?

Gyno time will be like 4 months till i get letro.