Has anybody seen these ads for Propolene?


Community Veteran
I've been seeing them, finally found out what's in it...check this out...here are some blurbs taken from the site:

What is Propolene™?
Propolene™ tablets consist of 100% natural fiber, named Propol®, which expands in your stomach and makes you feel full.

What is Excelerene™?
Excelerene™ tablets are comprised of a blend of 100% natural herbs, which are scientifically proven to increase your metabolism by 40%.

How much weight will I lose?
Weight loss varies depending on each individual. Propolene™ guarantees you will lose up to 20 pounds in 30 days if you use the Propolene™.

What is in each of the products offered?
Propolene™ contains Glucomannan / Propol®, which is a 100% natural fiber extracted from the Konjac Root. Excelerene™ contains Green Tea, Chromium, Kola-nut, Bitter Orange, and Vitamins B6 and B12.

How does each product work?
Propolene™ creates a viscous fiber mass, which is 100% natural soluable dietary fiber and provides a feeling of satiety. Propolene™ encapsulates some of the fat in the foods you eat and prevents its absorption by digestive tract, resulting in reduced caloric intake from fat and adding healthy fiber to your diet.

Excelerene™ contains Green Tea. Green Tea is proven to increase your metabolism safely so you burn more calories.

How in the hell can they advertise a product that isn't dnp that can increase your metabolism 40%?

And I have to imagine their return policy is pretty damn impossible, because I cannot for the life of me fathom how most people would lose 20lbs in one month on this stuff. Especially when they quote some study that says average weight loss was 12lbs over 8 weeks.
20 pounds in a month is absolutely ridiculous.

Like you said, I don't see how it can live up to that.