have nice gear, but need help with planning


New member
Hey guys,

I have this gear:

- 3x sustanon350 (total of 30ml)
- 2x deca300 (total of 20ml)
- 2x boldebol200 (total of 20ml)
- 1x tri-trenabol150 (total of 10ml)
- 2x dianabol10mg (total of 200tabs)
- 1x anadrol50mg (total of 50tabs)

- 1x arimidex1mg (total of 50tabs)
- 2x nolvadex20mg (total of 50tabs)
- 2x clomid50mg (total of 60tabs)
- 2x hcg1500iu (total of 3000iu)

Can anyone advice me to plan this gear into a useful cycle for gaining mass without losing the cardio? I have to stay in cardio-shape because of combat sports.
my weight now is 75kg. bodyfat of 16% age 38years old (yes I'm old).

I appreciate any input.
give us some stats

cycle history
how long you been weight training

I wont help but maybe some one will when they see your stats
give us some stats

cycle history
how long you been weight training

I wont help but maybe some one will when they see your stats

37 years old
75 kg
165 cm
This will be my 6th cycle.
last cycle a month ago, andropen, tritrenabol. Pre pct HCG, Pct with nolva and clomid
Weight training for over 15 years, icw mma training.
So are you 37 or 38? :-)

I think you mean, WHY is 38 old?!

Perhaps his gear is so good, it IS the fountain of youth - and he lost a year between posts?

In all seriousness, and I mean this with the utmost respect; it looks like you clicked randomly on a site and now want people to pick what you inject.

For starters, you can toss the tren. Maaaaaaybe at SUPER low doses you'll be okay, but I have a hard time recommending tren to someone that has a shopping cart like the one above.

You dont have enough EQ to do much, and you'd be running a moderate dose of deca given the quantity. You have plenty of orals, and as long as you don't aromatize a great deal - enough AI/SERMs, but not enough HCG.

Sooooo, after beating your post up a little; I guess you could run:

750mg of sustanon for 14 weeks.
500 mg of deca for 12 weeks.
4 weeks of either oral, NOT both.
0.5mg of adex (or less) EOD for 14 weeks.
PCT is cookie cutter, so I'll leave that be.

I'd hang onto the other stuff for when you have enough to actually use them.

My .02c :)
Also noticed you said your last cycle only ended a month ago. Hope you are not just jumping right back into another cycle that fast. Recommended off time is your cycle+pct. So you still have awhile to go before starting another.