Yes ***8220;Latestart***8221;, I would agree with you, I have done several cycles over the last two years and I have found that taking clomid on cycle seems to limit the feed back loop and there remains a natural hormone production level, to what degree who really knows???... but my last two cycles I kept the clomid going and going into pct from cycle was virtually seamless and I don***8217;t even think I lost much muscle and mood was just like on cycle.
I started doin research on this after my second cycle I ever did... I listened to a gym bro and he told me it***8217;s best to let my natural test totally shut down and just run on my pinned test, he also told me to up the dose from .75 ml of t-400 per week to 1.25ml twice A week, well you can imagine how well that went?!.. I was bloated, nipples tingling and swelling, and the worst part was I had to quit my cycle early and start pct (my sides where through the roof so bad that even 300mg a day of aromisin barely kept them under control), during the ride out of the very long Esther I had a restong heart rate of 95bpm (didn***8217;t make sleeping very fun), after 3 weeks things started to return to normal and then the crash happened, weird thoughts of fear and sadness, emotional, almost a hollow feeling of no purpose... wasn***8217;t a very fun experience, but a good learning experience.... then I started to study on how people used clomid, Nolvadex on cycle to limit shut down, I tried it and the transition was much much better, a few more cycles after that and I could almost time everything to have a seamless cross over from on cycle to natural and totally feel normal.
Then I became a member here and I read about taking HCG on cycle.... so it appears this would be a helpful strategy as well...
my hypothesis is the HCG keeps testicles rolling and clomid prevents shut down from the HCG, I suppose everyone will respond differently... I will post a log and my results, it would probably help some people.
If there is a flaw in my idea please tell me and explain why, I am here to learn as much as I can and make a positive contribution.
Cheers and thank you so much for the positive feed back and insight.