HCG dose and timing for first time test cycle


New member
Hi everyone,

I plan on starting a cycle of 250x2 test e a week for 12 weeks and 60mg tbol from week 1 to 6. My question is about hcg, it is said that hcg shoud be administered twice a week about 250iu per shot. Problem is the hcg I have is 2000 iu per ml and no way is it possible for me to take 250 from that.

Can I use like 1000iu single pin every 10 days?

Ps I have nolva and clomid for pct and also have armidex at hand.

Age 32, 6'0 feet, 101 kg, bf at 18-20%. Been lifting on and off for 10 years. this time around have worked out natty for a full year
Hi everyone,

I plan on starting a cycle of 250x2 test e a week for 12 weeks and 60mg tbol from week 1 to 6. My question is about hcg, it is said that hcg shoud be administered twice a week about 250iu per shot. Problem is the hcgI have is 2000 iu per ml and no way is it possible for me to take 250 from that.

Can I use like 1000iu single pin every 10 days?

Ps I have nolva and clomid for pct and also have armidex at hand.

Age 32, 6'0 feet, 101 kg, bf at 18-20%. Been lifting on and off for 10 years. this time around have worked out natty for a full year

It's very possible. What's your issue?