hCG on TRT

On testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) but not Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG). This is another thing that i just in the past few wks talked to my doc about. He said he knows of it but was not up to par about it. I told him why i wanted it and to make a long story short he said after researching it it was not really a medical need and more an experimental thing.this is something that is not common practice.

I don't know for sure but if he is not willing to let me do my own injections for the testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) he's not going to prescribe Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) just for the fact that the requirements for injections of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) would be more than once a wk. Just another way to blow it off i guess
Real nice guy but , yeh stubborn. I think if you look at it in his point of view every time
i go there for a shot he can charge my insurance. He can make a lot more money this
way. Besides that he's not even the one that gives the shot its the nurse, i have no appointments for shots i walk in get the shot and leave. I guess he looks at it as easy
money what else could it be. It just a matter of time something will change, either from
him or me.