Hcgenerate will make ur nuts swole(srs) probably the best OTC pct..
I'm running a 8 week cycle of AndroMass, AndroBulk and AndroHard, when should I start the HcGenerate.
Thanks, but this is my first cycle and not sure when to start post cycle therapy (pct). Do I wait a while after my cycle or start the day after I finish my last day of cycle. Thanks, for any help.Use it in PCT.
Thanks, but this is my first cycle and not sure when to start post cycle therapy (pct). Do I wait a while after my cycle or start the day after I finish my last day of cycle. Thanks, for any help.
this is my first cycle and not sure when to start PCT.
Not too be a dick, but did you do ANY research before jumping into the use of steroids? Good luck with your cycle btw.
Agreed. You should have your PCT lined up, in hand, before you even started your cycle. This is something I learned the hard way.
Well i do have it lined up its just i want to add some more stuff just incase(you can never be to sure)
hcgenerate may be too expensive so you might want to try something natural like sterol-abol since you can use it all year around.
It has better stuff,it may jump start your natural testosterone,electrolytes,co-factors & performance boosters,free-form amino acids,essential fatty acids and to nutritionally support your body after your extensive growth cycle.
Hcgenerate is better for deca-winstrol-sustanon 250 cycle for like 10 weeks and you want to get your lady pregnant.
Does sterolabol work ?
When you get 4 woodies in the middle of the night...i say ..yup! ..and in my sleep too!
HCgenerate may be too expensive so you might want to try something natural like sterol-abol since you can use it all year around.
It has better stuff,it may jump start your Natural Testosterone,Electrolytes,Co-Factors & Performance Boosters,free-form Amino Acids,Essential Fatty Acids and to nutritionally support your body after your extensive growth cycle.
HCgenerate is better for Deca-Winstrol-Sustanon 250 cycle for like 10 weeks and you want to get your lady pregnant.
Does sterolabol work ?
When you get 4 woodies in the middle of the night...I say ..Yup! ..and in my sleep too!
I would never buy from Genx labs for two reasons.
1) they have no fucking idea what they're doing. They stack epistane and Superdrol in one pill and recommend tribulus for post cycle therapy (pct).