

New member
when should this product be taken ive read it and it says post cycle therapy (pct) but it also talk about using it before it shuts you down to minimize it so when should this be used?
It's great on cycle to prevent shut down.
I usually use it the last 4 weeks of my cycle and into post cycle therapy (pct). Works really great for me.
your using transderm on cycle, you wont also use HCGenerate. HCGen would be for post cycle therapy (pct). you wont get shutdown if your on transderm.

transderm- on cycle.

thats the beauty of HCGenerate... the versatility of it... Its a win win situation anytime you use it... Obviously there are more optimal times to use it, dependent upon what you are running... Like gymrat said, if you are using transaderm on cycle, then there's no need to run it on cycle but if not, then its perfect for on cycle...
Thanks, but this is my first cycle and not sure when to start post cycle therapy (pct). Do I wait a while after my cycle or start the day after I finish my last day of cycle. Thanks, for any help.

You start PCT and the HCGenerate the day after your last dose on cycle. That will begin your PCT.
Not too be a dick, but did you do ANY research before jumping into the use of steroids? Good luck with your cycle btw.

Agreed. You should have your post cycle therapy (pct) lined up, in hand, before you even started your cycle. This is something I learned the hard way.
Agreed. You should have your PCT lined up, in hand, before you even started your cycle. This is something I learned the hard way.

Well i do have it lined up its just i want to add some more stuff just incase(you can never be to sure)
HCgenerate may be too expensive so you might want to try something natural like sterol-abol since you can use it all year around.

It has better stuff,it may jump start your Natural Testosterone,Electrolytes,Co-Factors & Performance Boosters,free-form Amino Acids,Essential Fatty Acids and to nutritionally support your body after your extensive growth cycle.

HCgenerate is better for Deca-Winstrol-Sustanon 250 cycle for like 10 weeks and you want to get your lady pregnant.

Does sterolabol work ?
When you get 4 woodies in the middle of the night...I say ..Yup! ..and in my sleep too!
hcgenerate may be too expensive so you might want to try something natural like sterol-abol since you can use it all year around.

It has better stuff,it may jump start your natural testosterone,electrolytes,co-factors & performance boosters,free-form amino acids,essential fatty acids and to nutritionally support your body after your extensive growth cycle.

Hcgenerate is better for deca-winstrol-sustanon 250 cycle for like 10 weeks and you want to get your lady pregnant.

Does sterolabol work ?
When you get 4 woodies in the middle of the night...i say ..yup! ..and in my sleep too!

HCgenerate may be too expensive so you might want to try something natural like sterol-abol since you can use it all year around.

It has better stuff,it may jump start your Natural Testosterone,Electrolytes,Co-Factors & Performance Boosters,free-form Amino Acids,Essential Fatty Acids and to nutritionally support your body after your extensive growth cycle.

HCgenerate is better for Deca-Winstrol-Sustanon 250 cycle for like 10 weeks and you want to get your lady pregnant.

Does sterolabol work ?
When you get 4 woodies in the middle of the night...I say ..Yup! ..and in my sleep too!

I would never buy from Genx labs for two reasons.

1) they have no fucking idea what they're doing. They stack epistane and Superdrol in one pill and recommend tribulus for post cycle therapy (pct).

2) they have "DNA" and "RNA" listed as ingredients to sterol abol. lmao if that doesnt trigger a BS product than I feel sorry for you.
I would never buy from Genx labs for two reasons.
1) they have no fucking idea what they're doing. They stack epistane and Superdrol in one pill and recommend tribulus for post cycle therapy (pct).

They have been around since 1979.Many of their products have become industry standards.Most follow THEM.That tells you if they were making crappy products and it didn't even work...then they wouldn't last too long in this business.

I agree that you can cool down the cycle with Tribulus from superdrol and epi.Maybe then you can take sterolabol or Xabol.It's even cheap too...Under $20.00 a bottle.At least mine was.

I don't see anywhere it says DNA and RNA listed as ingredients on their homepage.

Xabol has Tribulus terrestris,The active component in tribulus is a saponin (a phytochemical with a soapy texture) known as protodioscin.Protodioscin influences the pituitary gland to release more luteinizing hormone (LH) and is believed to also free up testosterone from SHBG.Arimistane the new legal aromatase inhibitor unmatched in its effectiveness in battling the war on estrogen.GenXlabs New XABOL is categorized as an aromatase inhibitor.

This isn't exactly "Bro" Science here...it's the facts jack.

I only would take this stuff with pro-hormones like Havoc and Halo..maybe even Beastrol.

To tell a person to take HCGenerate with a pro-hormone is pretty strong stuff..Thats' only for stronger Steroid cycles like I said in the other post.And to get a lady pregnant.