hdrol....and serious mass


New member
ello guys... my name is sylwek and i am 26 years old 5,10 and 172 lbs...ok.....So here i my deal....I dont eat alot...i go to school and work full time...so i dont eat the way i should....I want to know if i take my shake the serious mass and take the hdrol will it be the same as a meal?? because i just order some hdrol and post cycle therapy (pct) assist....but i dont know how to use it.. :/ i have been looking online to figure it out how and when should i use the post cycle therapy (pct) assist.... but everyone use it diffrent...do i take the post cycle therapy (pct) assist after i am done with my hdrol in the end of the month?? or take it at the same time i take the hdrol?? please help me..i am new and dont speak good english like u can see :/but i want to pick up so lbs and get good muscle cut...i am at the guym already and seems like i am developing fast natural way..but would like to try the hdrol and see how it works....please help me if u can and dont be rude..
dont spend your money on a bunch of hdrol if your diet is in check. diet will help more imo depending on your goals.
also - if you dont have your diet in check does that leave you time to get your work out in check?
well i go to gym everyday for about 1hr to 2hrs everyday i work diffrent body parts...but i dont eat right...i go to work from 6 am to 4:30 pm...by than i am very tired cant really cook nothing no time...so i just eat something fast at times...and go to gym.....from 6 to 7:30 than running late for class from 7 to 11...and dont eat :( maybe something small...is why is important for me to get the ahake..but i want to know if is ok to drink it with the hdrol and work out?? and how should i take my hdrol? cause i already have it?? should i take it like one pill 1hr before i work out and than one before i go to bed?? or what?? and do i take the post cycle therapy (pct) assist after i am done with my hdrol?? or do i take it at the same time i take my hdrol? i want to get lil biger but i want to be safe as well..is why i turn to expers like u guys :)
I am working 12 hour days and working out 1 hour after, and finding time to cook meals still. Basically I have gotten used to that being the only thing that happens to me in a day, and it has become normal to me now.

I would recommend cooking large quantities of food that can be frozen and kept for later if need be.

Keep searching the forums on h-drol, you are sure to find your answers.
well i go to gym everyday for about 1hr to 2hrs everyday i work diffrent body parts...but i dont eat right...i go to work from 6 am to 4:30 pm...by than i am very tired cant really cook nothing no time...so i just eat something fast at times...and go to gym.....from 6 to 7:30 than running late for class from 7 to 11...and dont eat :( maybe something small...is why is important for me to get the ahake..but i want to know if is ok to drink it with the hdrol and work out?? and how should i take my hdrol? cause i already have it?? should i take it like one pill 1hr before i work out and than one before i go to bed?? or what?? and do i take the pct assist after i am done with my hdrol?? or do i take it at the same time i take my hdrol? i want to get lil biger but i want to be safe as well..is why i turn to expers like u guys :)

Diet Diet Diet...I also start work at 6am everyday and am usually tired by the time I get off work and do the same workout time per day as you. I am your same weight maybe a little more but i'm only 5'8". I can't stress enough without your diet in check you are not going to get much gains from the hdrol. I ran a cycle of it few months ago and saw some nice gains but I was eating like crazy (started out at 176 and went to 189lbs). I can almost gurantee you if you corrected your diet alone and took some good aminos you can gain 10 lbs pretty fast w/o the hdrol which is your best option. Rate of gains will depend on if you are a hard gainer or not. Are you naturally skinny and can eat a lot? I wouldn't do the hdrol until about 185lbs and given your height that's still low balling it.
yes i am natural skiny and i do eat alot when i get to eating.....and yes i think i can gain weight with no problems...its just sucks because of my work and school.......do you guys think that if i take the hdrol and super mass.....with it get me cut?? i do exerciese everyday besides the weekend for one hr.....sometimes a lil more....i about a year ago i was very active i played soccer sense i was like 10 and did the mma deal for a while...but now all i do is go to work and school no time for nothing....so i pick up a lil belly my 6 pac is not as pretty as last year...my goal is to get biger and cut....also how do i do about the pct assist?? do i take it once i am done with my hdrol??? or take it at the same time??? i am also taking the RezMega-D...it has some fish oil and other omega 3 things....