Heat only powder first


New member
Sould you heat the powder in a breaker before you add ba bb an oil?

Or just mix it all att once the heat it as the sticky says?

Mvh yuri
u can heat the oil alone then add it to the powder+solvent mix...

i mix it all together and put it in the microwave for 10 sec bursts until its hot enough to mix properly.
I usually add the hormone, some oil, the BA, and then other solvents if necessary. After the powder is mostly melted I'll add oil until the proper volume is reached.
Ok so íf you dont heat the powder alone first you wount be abel
too see when the powder reach its melting point?

I put breaker in boilingwater with the mixture..

Another quest why sould you save some oil in pump 5ml or so?

The stickys say so but if you like I filter in 10ml vial how sould I do or
sould skip that part and just ad all the oil at once?

Thanck for help again
Powder does not need to reach its melting point in the presence of solvents. Thats how this homebrew thing works.

5ml oil is saved so that you can put the 5ml pure oil through the filter AFTER you've finished filtering the hormone in solution. Since some oil will remain "stuck" in the filter, you're basically pushing out the good oil and replacing with the pure stuff.
Thanks Dougoe.

But how do I do when I filter in 10ml vials sould I but 1ml of oil
in each vial or is it wiser too filter in a bigger steril vial first then
too smaler vials?

If I juse a bigger vial to filter in can it only be youst oly once?
Hmmm....since you are parting out into seperate vials I guess that is a problem. Well, I guess you could add 9mL to each vial and then use 5mL and add 1mL to each vial. That isn't perfect, but it'll be close.

Ultimately, I would either:
  1. Filter into a 50mL vial and then seperate or
  2. Don't bother with this 5mL of oil thing

This isn't really much of an issue with bottle top filtering.
isotop said:
i just push the oil thats stuck in the filter with air pressure from the syringe
Me too.

Homebrewing made simple.

1.Put all solvents into beaker before heating.
2.Add powder.
3.Heat on low until powder is disolved. (stove top)