Help and Advice needed


New member
Hi all, ok I may sound naive here but I am considering taking steroids for the first time ever. I guess I should say a little about me, I'm 36 (just turned), male, 6', 84 kilos, been working out for a few years now but seem to have been bouncing up and down the scales a lot but over the past couple of years my body fat has come down quite well and I seem to be maintaining it and my muscle growth is pretty good (usually get stared at in the streets of London cause I have a big chest and arms). I would love a six pack but that is becoming so difficult for me to acheive.
My diet is mixed, it's getting better all the time, I started eating veg (please don't kill me) for the first time in my life about 5 years ago and am slowly widening my veg base and just to help I do make my own smoothies as I seem to be able to stomach these better than eating lots of whole fruit. I have breakfast every day, usually poached eggs on workout days and porridge (oatmeal to Americans) on non workout days. I have been guilty of late of eating chocolate and ice cream but am cutting back on that again now.

I recently found out that steroids are legal here in the UK as long as they are for personal use but we have to buy them abroad. I've been looking around and am getting a bit bogged down with all the conflicting info out there. Basically I want what we all want, I want to get bigger muscle wise and smaller fat wise. I was looking at Dianabol and Clenbuterol. Are these good starting points? Where is the best place to buy them? Are there places to avoid buying them from? How would I exactly go about taking them? I appreciate all the help an advice I can get, sorry for such a long post I've just read other posts and people seem to want a lot of information before giving advice which I can totally understand.
Many thanks in advance
Oh, and I usually workout between 5 & 6 days a week, usually do about 15 mins cardio to warm up on weights days and about an hour to hour and half on weights and Cardio days are twice a week for about an hour or until I feel exhausted. If I can fit it in I try to do a spinning class (just like to mix it up) and I love to do some boxing, I know all men say it but my biggest problem I find is my abs, as I was told once, they're there just covered in layers of fat of course.
make sure you read, read and read some before you do anything. then you can make an informed decision.

wheter you grow bigger or get smaller really depends on your diet.