help choosing a cycle for fatboy


New member
ok, so ive done a few cycles in the past 5 years, made some great muscle gains as well as quite a bit of fatloss, im going to go into one more cycle im hoping this cycle will put me over the top to where i need to be, but i need help, i do believe i can get down to 9-8% bf w/o surgurey, once i get to my bf% goal if i need to have surgurey to remove excess skin i will, so here is a previous post with pix of myself to give a general idea of where im at bodywise,

now on to the meat and potatos, i need advice on what cycle to go with and the dosages

what i have in mind are
test enath 250 mgs for the first week, 500mgs 2nd week, then 1000 for the remaining ten weeks on a 12 week cycle, will be using dbol for weeks 4-8, now im trying to decide on whether i should throw in tren as a 3rd compound, or decca to bulk up, now i will be doing intermittent fasting through the cycle to maximize my fat burning, but will still be getting in around 28-3000 cal, I know what everyone is thinking I.F.?????? during a cycle????? my reason behind this is to burn fat, I am and endomorph , i pack on muscle like no ones business, very easily and quickly, and don't lose too much of it once i finish a cycle, but I also cannot burn fat as easily, now i have managed to keep the fat off fairly well as i have progressed ove the years, its burning what I have left that is the issue.

can someone please guide me as to what route to take for my next go? :crying:Please?
Are you trying to bulk then cut, recomp, or just cut down to 8-9% body fat? You need to pick one for a short 12 week cycle.
"i do believe i can get down to 9-8% bf" "or decca to bulk up"
There's no need to ramp up the test like that. 500-750 mg per week from week 1 is fine. Bol should be weeks 1-4 not 4-8. If u want to add in deca or tren u can do that
Are you trying to bulk then cut, recomp, or just cut down to 8-9% body fat? You need to pick one for a short 12 week cycle.
"i do believe i can get down to 9-8% bf" "or decca to bulk up"
I want to cut down to 8-9% bf the reason.I say I believe it issible
Is many ppl have stated that i will def have to have surgery to get rid of my fat, I really don't want to do that, and.I do believe I can get myself down to that low of a bf w/o going under
There's no need to ramp up the test like that. 500-750 mg per week from week 1 is fine. Bol should be weeks 1-4 not 4-8. If u want to add in deca or tren u can do that
Ty for the info, I'm still trying to decide on what to go w, was really looking forward to ppls opinions to push me to the right choice
There's no need to ramp up the test like that. 500-750 mg per week from week 1 is fine. Bol should be weeks 1-4 not 4-8. If u want to add in deca or tren u can do that
Ty for the info, I'm still trying to decide on what to go w, was really looking forward to ppls opinions to push me to the right choice
If you're mostly worried about fat loss and loose skin you should be doing test and hgh. Hgh. Will help you lose fat more than just about anything and could help with your skin elasticity as well. You'd be much better of doing test prop, tren, and hgh. Dbol, test e, and deca are for bulking, and no matter what you're going to put on some fat bulking, as well as water weight. You could still use the test e, but based on what you're trying to do, you need hgh, it's an amazing compound.
I would email 3J and ask him about excessive skin he works with alot of weight loss clients and may have some helpful information.

You are still at a fairly high percentage of body fat from the pictures. (great job dropping weight) If you are still naturally loosing weight why cycle now you can naturally get down to 9%. Like If you want to go forward test p, tren, and hgh only if you do not have a family history of cancer.
I would get bloodwork done first to see where you stand then you can choose cause you mite need testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) if your test levels are low... But I agree with max that your diet is key and something you really need to straighten out before even considering a cycle
If cutting is your main goal and I was you I'd do the following in this order:
Sign up w 3j (he'll have you eating cleaner than you ever thought possible)
Then I'd run test e/eq with a 6 week Var kickstart. Or test / tren where the tren is higher than the test. Just my opinion