Help! first cycle test cyp. swollen glut


New member
Ok I took my first shot of test cyp. On Tuesday of last week day 2 my glut started to swell and hurt which I thought was fine. Well day 7 now and my whole glut is swollen and hard as a rock and red and warm to touch. It also seems as if the top of my quad is swelling now too. 1 " pin 1 cc please any help would be great I am starting to freak out!
Are you using proper sanitary techniques? Sounds like you may have an infection or a sterile abscess. Hope for the latter.
Certainly don't inject the same spot.

Do you have read streaks following your veins towards your heart? Do you have a fever?

Walk me through you injection protocol.
Certainly don't inject the same spot.

Do you have read streaks following your veins towards your heart? Do you have a fever?

Walk me through you injection protocol.

Ok I have had a slight fever off and on for a few days. I don't see any red streaks. Now after thinking about it more I don't think I wiped down the rubber stopper on the vial? I swabbed my glute I think I did forget to wipe the top.
FYI when swabbing the top of the vial and skin, allow the alcohol to dry first as to kill any bacteria.

But my guess is dirty gear/poorly made batch, fever typically means infection. No doubt the area of injection is warm?
This happened to me the first time I cycled. For some reason both my ass cheeks swelled up on the first two shots, then it got better. But yeah I couldnt even sit down.
This happened to me the first time I cycled. For some reason both my ass cheeks swelled up on the first two shots, then it got better. But yeah I couldnt even sit down.
yeah the whole area is warm. It's my whole ass cheek tho. Not just the injection area.
Should I go to the dr.? Or ride it out ? I mean infection is no joke.
I've had dirty gear twice, two different labs that I was up in the air about already but it was cheaper, same thing except no fever just the massive abcess that is still in my right glute to this day as scar tissue (it's gone down drastically but it was 8 months ago). The one in my left delt has gone thankfully.

Based on what your saying I'd say the gear is dirty, not your injection technique.

Even virgin muscle taking on 1CC at it's worst might just be sore and painful but shouldn't be giving youa fever and giant lump.

My advice? Toss the gear, find a new source and try again.
It can't hurt to see a doctor, he can assess it better. A good idea is to tell the doctor it was a Vitamin B12 shot as it is legal to avoid bringing up AAS usage.

My guess is he may prescribe anti-biotics, may possible drain the abcess too. But it certainly would be a wise decision to go get it checked out.
It can't hurt to see a doctor, he can assess it better. A good idea is to tell the doctor it was a Vitamin B12 shot as it is legal to avoid bringing up AAS usage.

My guess is he may prescribe anti-biotics, may possible drain the abcess too. But it certainly would be a wise decision to go get it checked out.
Yeah thanks I will probably go in the morning
Be careful of the draining. Docs like to "slice" the muscle open to get at the abscess. Easier for them. More painful for you and it destroys the muscle. Long recovery time too.

A better approach is to insert a 20g needle tip (no syringe attached) into the abscess and try to find the "pocket" holding the fluid. If you hit the pocket the pressure should push the fluid/puss out through the needle. This is going to hurt like a bitch though. Ideally you have some amoxicillin or penicillin on hand and you can run that -- I always keep antibiotics on hand for times like this. Run the antibiotic and give it time. But if you get a really bad fever or see really bad signs of infection you are probably going to have to drain it. You can man up and try it yourself or go into the doctor for help. Try not to let them take the scalpel to it though.

I have had sterile abscesses before and they have always gone away in a week or so.
Avoid self-draining, it can be done but FWIF just get a doc to do it especially when your not familiar with it. It can be a bit wierd for your first time, had a couple mates over their years had a few drawn out. For godsakes though do not try crush up the abcess by masssaging it out if anyone says to do so.

My abcesses have also dissapeared by the 10 mark most times, I've had 3 in total, 2 from dirty gear.
Avoid self-draining, it can be done but FWIF just get a doc to do it especially when your not familiar with it. It can be a bit wierd for your first time, had a couple mates over their years had a few drawn out. For godsakes though do not try crush up the abcess by masssaging it out if anyone says to do so.

My abcesses have also dissapeared by the 10 mark most times, I've had 3 in total, 2 from dirty gear.

Thanks guys! Well I did not go to the dr. Today like planned I went to sleep and when I woke up was a huge difference swelling was down some redness is fading away still have a softball size lump but I think I will ride it out a little longer