Help for a friend Hdrol or P6

p6 is a natural test booster (ie.) wont do shit and hdrol is halodrol a prohormone that will provide lean muscle gains with virtually no sides. Trust me Ive used both.
P6 is bullshit much like most thing you can buy from GNC!! go with hdrol. naturall test boosters in my experiance has neeeeverr worked like the companys claim. >>>Thats my opinion
I used p-mag for my first cycle and let me tell you the gains were incredible for me. I went from 188 to 210 very little fat gain. I ate like a horse. I'm pretty sure hdrol is just like p-mag except the gains in hdrol come a bit later. As long as you eat well and train hard, your friend will make awesome gains. Good luck!
Thanks for the replys and the advice I will pass it on to him. Hes also got ultradrol how do you all feel about that ?
Thanks for the replys and the advice I will pass it on to him. Hes also got ultradrol how do you all feel about that ?

Honestly your friend is probably no where near his genetic limit, have him stick to the natural products and until he's fully ready and old enough as well. Honestly you really need to wait until your over the age of 25+. You just don't need it. Just quality supplements, good nutrition, and a hard work ethic.