Help! How to Quit Dbol Only Cycle (1 week in)


New member
Hey guys, so I was stupid and fucked up and started my first 'cycle' taking 40mg dbol/ED. Shoulda done research prior, but I was eager to get big, and my connect was really convincing... I don't care if I lose the gains I've gotten so far, I just want to get off as safely as possible, and I want to know if/how my body and hormone levels are going to be messed up.

I'm 6 days into my cycle, and I've been taking 40mg ED. Should I quit cold turkey immediately, or should I taper? I have nolva - should I start using it? If so, how much and for how long? Should I be taking anything else?

My blood pressure's around 155/80 (because of the dbol. Usually its around 125/60). I have pounding headaches. No signs of gyno yet.

Also, will there be any long lasting/permanent effects on my body/hormone levels? Any other side effects I should expect? Or are there any steps to totally reverse the damage? Any help's really appreciated guys, thanks.

Basic Stats:
Age: 22
Weight: ~180lbs
BF%: 12%
Experience: Lifting since 17
I am not 100% sure how to get off correcrly. but u should get off it. u will not have permanent damage if u get off correctly and do prpoper PCT. IMO u should go see a doctor so he can help u out. U should always research. Its okay tho many other ppl have done wut u have fone and came off safely. do not panic. but get it taken care of asap.
Stop taking the dbol immediately and start taking the nolva at 40mg daily for four weeks. If you have clomid best to run that too.

You will likely be okay but you have rolled the dice... some damage is possible.
PD is correct but with a timely cessation and a follow up pct you will be fine..maybe lose 1-10 number s but...this ain t beer and weed son
Yeah bro you'll be fine. I wouldn't worry about it to much, and I'm not down playing it . Your body will bounce back. Drink plenty of water to help flush . Keep diet clean for a bit. Follow the pct plans mentioned above .
Thanks for the replies guys. Can't really see a doctor because I'm living on campus, and I can't have a record...

Also, I just found out I'm not going to receive nolva/clomid until after 1-2weeks. Am I screwed? After I receive them, should I keep doing nolva 40mg for 4 weeks? Or shorten the length depending on when I receive it
Thanks for the replies guys. Can't really see a doctor because I'm living on campus, and I can't have a record...

Also, I just found out I'm not going to receive nolva/clomid until after 1-2weeks. Am I screwed? After I receive them, should I keep doing nolva 40mg for 4 weeks? Or shorten the length depending on when I receive it

Take them when you receive them. In all honesty I don't think you will have any long lasting problems from this dumb cycle you tried to run. It was only one week and dbol completely clears the system in about 3 days. You will be fine bud. Just run the pct for peace of mind and next time don't run a dumb cycle.

It is weird that you joined in 2012 and this happens to be your first post...
Thanks for the replies guys. Can't really see a doctor because I'm living on campus, and I can't have a record...

Also, I just found out I'm not going to receive nolva/clomid until after 1-2weeks. Am I screwed? After I receive them, should I keep doing nolva 40mg for 4 weeks? Or shorten the length depending on when I receive it

Run them both as soon as you get them for four weeks each. Nolva at 40mgs for the first week, then drop to 20mg for the following 3 weeks. Clomid run at 50mg daily for the whole four weeks. You will be fine bud, just get on them as soon as you get them.
Honestly if you have only taken it for 6 days I would just stop. about 8 weeks after stopping I would get blood work, if T levels are low Id run a pct, if not, well obviously you are gtg.
Just my thoughts