Help me choose a cycle here ..


New member
So ive ran a good few cycles under my belt . Ran a few test and then test tren combos . What im deciding on is a cycle preference here and looking for guys who tried both to tell me what they would choose/think .Looking to build more muscle. Ive ran tren E for 10 weeks before with great results this time around im thinking of adding Deca in first time too .

Cycle 1 : Week 1-10 Test C - 500mg
Week 1-10 Tren A - 400mg
Week 1-10 Deca - 400mg

Cycle 2:
Week 1-10 Test C 500mg
Week 1-10 Tren A - 600mg

No experience with Deca yet . So what would u guys do . Higher tren (200mg more per week) or add Deca 400mg ? Ive done good on tren E at 400mg per week before . But interested in trying deca too. Tren being so anabolic , which would build more muscle ?
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What are you looking for other than just LMM gains? Deca is an awesome compound, but it's more of a "I'm going to make your joints feel yummy while putting mass on you" versus tren's, "YOU WANT TO EAT STEEL PLATES FOR BREAKFAST, LUNCH AND DINNER, THEN BANG UNTIL YOUR JOHNSON IS RAW!"

Either way, I wouldn't recommend deca for ten weeks as it takes about half that to reach peak serum values. NPP might be a better choice, or extending the cycle out to 14 weeks with the deca and 16 with the test. Tren will likely stop when she's done abusing you. :p

Alternatively, you could always just run a simple test and deca cycle. It would give you a good feel for what deca does to your body, and helps you figure things out for future cycles.

My .02c :)
Thank you halfwit ! To be honest i would personally like to run Deca for more like 20 weeks if i could , im just not sure if id liek the higher tren or the idea of trying Deca mixed in with all of it . I may run tren for 10 weeks and keep deca going after that with test
Plug those numbers into steroid calculator so you have an Idea how long you will have to wait before you can start pct if you include deca. With the long half life you will wait weeks before you can run a pct.

If you are on trt no worries. I love deca. I run it in all mass cycles.
so what do u guys think in terms of gains . 200mg more tren a or 400mg more of deca to this cycle ?

Honestly, with everything being equal raw gains in LMM would probably be about the same. It's hard to really say as there's a genetic limit to the amount of muscle you can put on in a set amount of time (myostatin, etc). The purpose of stacking compounds is to gain the benefits of each while in an anabolic environment.

Does joint pain limit your lifts? If so, deca is certainly a wise choice. Are you looking to recomp a bit, and try for additional lean mass while at maintenance or a slight deficit? Tren could be the superior choice, given you don't go beyond your "sweet spot" with the hormone.

I like to run both as I do find relief, but I also don't like going beyond 800mg/wk of tren, so I add extra compounds in like deca and masteron to push the envelope a bit further.

Heck, even just changing the test dose can impact the results you see. It really boils down to what you're looking to get out of this cycle, and what your limitations are. In all honesty, you could see AMAZING gains off testosterone alone, but where's the fun in that?
i Agree with you halfwit . ive run test alone 3 times and had great results everytime . Even after running test tren i ran test only again , and had a good results . im leaning more towards the Deca just to see its benefits in there , but at the same time never having run 600mg of tren im interested . and Using Aceteate as well maybe interesting as when i ran tren e ive always waited 5-6 weeks to realy sart seeing results
i Agree with you halfwit . ive run test alone 3 times and had great results everytime . Even after running test tren i ran test only again , and had a good results . im leaning more towards the Deca just to see its benefits in there , but at the same time never having run 600mg of tren im interested . and Using Aceteate as well maybe interesting as when i ran tren e ive always waited 5-6 weeks to realy sart seeing results

The bright side is that you don't have to choose only once. Pick one this time, and the other the next. You have plenty of time to figure out what really fits the bill for you. ;)
I'm a big believer in making every cycle an education....

If you are yet to run Deca, give it a shot, see how you feel with it...

I would recommend having Prami/Caber on hand before you get cracking though.

I'm currently running Deca and Tren right now - some underdosed/bunk Adex resulted in estrogen out of whack and lumps appearing, managed to get some Nolvadex to get me out of hot water. Fortunately I had Prami on standby.

I love the joint relief that Deca gives me, I don't know how old you are - but never underestimate a pain-free workout!