Help please, Gyno at only test 250mg E4D


New member
First of all hello to you all new member here.
I created this account cause iam a bit scared at the moment and i really want some help.
Iam on my second cycle (1 year apart). This cycle is 250MG Test E e4d.
Iam currently 5 weeks into the cure and i got the "problem" at the end of week 3.

I got similar problems on my first cycle but on that cycle i did not run an AI from start!
On this cycle i ran 0.25MG Arimidex EoD but still i got problem...

The nipple aint sore and it aint itching at the moment but there is a lump i really want gone.
I gonna do blood work next week to see my Estrogen lvls but i think they are just fine.

How can i get rid of this lump?
And WHY does this happen at so low dosage...
I dont know my BF% but i aint fat thats for sure...

Thank you so much for taking the time and read all of this
And sorry for the bad english it aint my main language.
please share your stats, age, weight, bf%, height.

so your taking 500mg of test per week? when are you getting bloods done?
Oh sorry for not including it.
Iam 26 , weight is 92kg, bf% probably around 15%, 1,86m height.
Yes 500MG of test per week is the dosage and iam getting blood work done next week so at week 6.
Oh sorry for not including it.
Iam 26 , weight is 92kg, bf% probably around 15%, 1,86m height.
Yes 500MG of test per week is the dosage and iam getting blood work done next week so at week 6.
how did your bloodworks come out bro? how bad is your gyno now?
Sorry for being inactive guys been super busy lately.
I really do hope i get some help out of this.

Since 0.25 EoD clearly didnt help i upped the dosage to 0.25 ED and also 20MG of Nolva EoD.
To get rid of that little lump in my chest nothing has really happened with it more than it is a little bitt smaller.

My bloodworks showed that my estrogen was way higher than i thought it was 212pmol/L
So i still dont think 0.25 of arimidex ED is enough but i dont know what to do thats why i need all the help i can get.

Iam clearly very sensitive since my dosage of testosteron is very low..

/All the best
Since 0.25 EoD clearly didnt help i upped the dosage to 0.25 ED and also 20MG of Nolva EoD.
To get rid of that little lump in my chest nothing has really happened with it more than it is a little bitt smaller.

My bloodworks showed that my estrogen was way higher than i thought it was 212pmol/L
So i still dont think 0.25 of arimidex ED is enough but i dont know what to do thats why i need all the help i can get.

Do you know your off cycle values for estrogen ?
Not 100% sure of the units but I think thats fair bit higher than reference values.

Are you sure your adex is not bunk ? Legit source ?
0.25mg ED is fairly high for that amount of test.

I have no experience with gyno but you should consider ending the cycle and going on a powerhouse PCT and make sure the lump subsides.
Sorry for being inactive guys been super busy lately.
I really do hope i get some help out of this.

Since 0.25 EoD clearly didnt help i upped the dosage to 0.25 ED and also 20MG of Nolva EoD.
To get rid of that little lump in my chest nothing has really happened with it more than it is a little bitt smaller.

My bloodworks showed that my estrogen was way higher than i thought it was 212pmol/L
So i still dont think 0.25 of arimidex ED is enough but i dont know what to do thats why i need all the help i can get.

Iam clearly very sensitive since my dosage of testosteron is very low..

/All the best

212 pmol/L is equal to 57.75 pg/mL which we use on this side of the pond. That is about 2x too high.

Before I did that calc I was going to say your adex is bunk, but now having done the math it shows what you are taking is definitely doing something - just not enough.

Doubling up the dosage should put you where you want to be.

You will struggle to get rid of it while on cycle. Just live with it for now and when you come off you can try a run of nolvadex to see if that works, and if not then get some raloxifene to clear it up.

Last thing - 500 mg/wk test is not a low dosage. It might be the entry level for a blast, but it is still 5x your natural production.
The Adex is pharma but well i guess it can be bunk anyway.
I really dont wanna end the cycle since its only a few weeks left of it anyway.
I gonna go with the double dosage of 0.25mg ED and stick to the Nolva.

Why go raloxifene instead of letro?
I dont think i can get my hands on that but i know i can get letro.
If iam going to run a program of it what would you suggest as dosage?

Yeah it maybe came out wrong when i said "low dosage" i know it aint low.

BTW: If i get rid of the lump (hopefully) and maybe in the future (next year) i would run a cycle again.
How can i prevent this to occur again? I thought i did everything by the book.
Should i try Aromasin instead of Arimidex?
Real nolvadex will shrink your lumps. I am personal proof. It takes about 60 days for it to shrink though. This shit doesn't happen overnight..or even in a few weeks. Keep taking the nolvadex and you will see results.