Help with anabolic diet...1st cycle

hi guys

just after a bit of help designing a diet for my frist cycle. im 200pounds at about 9%.
Im afer a diet with a shit load of protein to build that extra muscle :)
Also i dont rely on protein shakes a great deal....only have one with my post workout

any help would be great

ok here goes pal
1 8 oz london broil , 3 whole eggs,2 servings of oatmeal with milk.
2 10 oz chicken breast, 2 cups rice,small salad with olive oil.
3 2 cans tuna 8 oz potato, salad.
4 8z london broil , 10 sweet potato , salad.
5 10 oz chicken breast , 2 cups rice , salad.
6 2 cans tuna , salad.

and for a after workout shake take 3 scoops whey ,fruit of your choice,10 oz milk. drink.
or 2 scoops muscle milks 1 scoop whey,2 servings oatmeal plus fruit and 10 oz milk.
acxel said:
and for a after workout shake take 3 scoops whey ,fruit of your choice,10 oz milk. drink.
or 2 scoops muscle milks 1 scoop whey,2 servings oatmeal plus fruit and 10 oz milk.

Ditch the milk and fruit as it slows down absorption.
Go for a 2:1 ratio of carbs to protein. Your protein shake should be quick and easy, some whey protein(1or2 scoops), 50-100grams of dextrose and some water. That's it.:D
you may also want to add a couple tablespoons of Udo's Oil in for some good fats. Go with oil over the capsules.
I would also suggest taking in a snack before bed such as cottage cheese. I always have 1 cup of cottage cheese and a tablespoon of udo's oil before bed.:)
thanks for your help guys....acxel what is the breakdown of your diet....cals, P, C, F. Also ive heard that having about 1/2 cup of dextrose sugar after a workout is good too....what r ur thoughts on this
WELL I AGREE WITH FYRE THAT SOME EFA'S WOULD BE HELPFULL BUT IT WILL ALSO SLOW DOWN THE RATE OF ABSORBTION , ME I NEVER REALLY WORRY THJAT MUCH ABOUT HOW QICKLY IM ABSORBING THE SHAKE AFTER A work out , on a good mass diet your never really that defficient in carbs , protien , and fats in reallity in a good mass diet its allmost impossible to really depleate glycogen stores unless you train for hours , as for dextrose i think its garbage does nothing for my physique but smooth me out and make me retain water , i prefer to keep all my carbs to be digested slowly and long term, if your really worried about staying in a possitive nitrogen balance have a quick whey protein shake like 20 mins before your workout no more than 15-20 grams of pro.