Help with planning third cycle


New member
Hey guys, I'm new to this specific site but I had a few questions that maybe someone on here could help me with, first off I have done two previous cycles of test e and dbol with great results, in the winter time to bulk up. I haven't done a cycle in a little over a year, I kept some but lost some of the gains I made from the last cycle and now I want to do something to build more muscle and Lean up a little for summer, I was just wondering what would be the best cycle I could do to gain but lean up a little at the same time, I've been seeing a lot of cycles with test e and tren e and was wondering if that might do the trick? Thank you for any help!
What's your age,weight and height?
How long have you been training?
What did your last two cycles look like? Did you use hcg and an AI?
Did you pct?
24 5'7 165 pounds right now. I was 175 at the end of first cycle. Started at 145. I used aromosin no hcg. Cycle was

Week 1-12 test e 500 mg a week 250mg Monday and Thursday
Week 1-4 dbol 30 mg per day