

So I started a strict diet last monday. Nothing but grilled chicken, and a green vegetable at every meal, with an egg-white protein shake in between. Cardio 4 days a week at 5 am before breakfast, only water to drink, no alchohol. I have since gained 14 pounds in only 8 days! WTF is the deal?!?!?
hell im running my ass off now and basically starving. the thing is, when my diet consisted of double whoppers every day, my weight stayed consistent for 3 months. i started at 242, and 8 days later, im 256
Give it some time...are you consuming any carbs at all? Simple or complex? Gatorade,energy drinks soda?

not taking in hardly any carbs, the few i may get are complex, but thats not even daily. no sugars at all. the worst part of my deit is coke zero
Well you should be losing some weight then...

Up your cardio intesity if you can and stick with it a bit longer.

You could go see the doc and ask him to check you out maybe run some blood work...
looks like thats the only option now. think i may try one more week and then go from there. thanks
That diet is not healthy-you need complex carbs and some fat

I've never cut carbs out of my diet and have been able to cut with more cardio.

Short term this diet is effective but when you introduce carbs back into the equation most people just blow right back up.
Like grains-4-6 servings a day-i am with you Scarz- its bull-first its nothing but water-and now there is some coke zero?