HGH and herniated/bulging/degenerative disk?


New member
Will it help? I see lots of different messaging/stretching/chiropractor stuff but no real fixes. Medications to help pain but I have seen the effects of pain killers and crippled old people who did more than they should have because it just covered the pain and not the problem.

My Dad got injections but se left him almost debilitated and sometimes others had weird side effects which were nerve stuff. Tingling, numbness, dropping stuff like his coffee cup.

Figure stretching, massages and "decompresion" will help with symptoms but is this outside HGH? This would be for someone in their mid 30s.
Will it help? I see lots of different messaging/stretching/chiropractor stuff but no real fixes. Medications to help pain but I have seen the effects of pain killers and crippled old people who did more than they should have because it just covered the pain and not the problem.

My Dad got injections but se left him almost debilitated and sometimes others had weird side effects which were nerve stuff. Tingling, numbness, dropping stuff like his coffee cup.

Figure stretching, massages and "decompresion" will help with symptoms but is this outside HGH? This would be for someone in their mid 30s.

my dad had isssues similar with alot of shaking of his head and hands and feet.
I figure to actually repair the disk it will kinda be a cycle. Use decompression, stretching, massage and range of motion while the HGH is highest. Say a morning injection then a morning session of it all.

And rather than training the person takes it as easy as possible and does as little as possible to put pressure on the disk.

I've ran into a personal lack information where "what does the body need to repair a disk?". On a cycle protien repairs the muscle. Then obviously vitamins and minerals.

What is needed for the HGH to be able to achieve maximum benefits for a disk? Double down on some joint And cartilage supps? I do know a disk has a fluid type filling as well as an outer skin/membrane and both need building blocks. Now I just have to research and find what if nobody here has experience or the information I'm looking for.
I did find studies involving hgh and degenerative disk disease but it was small and I like lots of small studies, larger studies and even meta studies that compile all the other studies for me.
Not sure about herniated disc, but gh+low dose var and eq totally healed my rotator cuff tear and my left knee injury.
I've been on 3-4iu/ed gh for 1.5 years now and cycled var @10-15mg/ed on&off (both pharma grade) and ran eq @300-400mg for 5 month .
Beside gh, anabolics significantly increase collagen synthesis and shorten wound healing process.
I'm gonna try to pitch it to a woman I know. Docs haven't offered her any help because its "stage 1" but she seems almost crippled from it. It ends up involving her entire back/shoulder and nerve pain down her whole upper arm.

I've thought about different anabolics to "cycle" for healing my right shoulder and general investment in my future since I'm already on TRT.

I dislocated my shoulder years ago and an "s" shaped tear happened in some smaller stabilizing muscle in the bundle of them around the scapula upper back shoulder area so now my pecs and deltoids can actually pull it out of socket. Sometimes it's a fast movements. It's happened reaching behind me in a car before just reaching to grab something. I have scratches in my shoulder cartilage with a fancy name.

I'm trying to stay straight TRT but you forum bros have to so many reasons to run something. haha
not maybe an EQ head start with winny and anavar during peak beach season. Probably wouldn't call it the "cosmetic cycle" since I cant lift . . .haha
Will it help? I see lots of different messaging/stretching/chiropractor stuff but no real fixes. Medications to help pain but I have seen the effects of pain killers and crippled old people who did more than they should have because it just covered the pain and not the problem.

My Dad got injections but se left him almost debilitated and sometimes others had weird side effects which were nerve stuff. Tingling, numbness, dropping stuff like his coffee cup.

Figure stretching, massages and "decompresion" will help with symptoms but is this outside HGH? This would be for someone in their mid 30s.

I have a similar issue with my back after i fell off a 3 story house window, when the husband caught me banging his wife, lol.
almost broke my back, but now when rain storms come it always hurts.