HGH for Injuries?


New member
Can HGH (jintropin or other?) be used to heal soft tissue injury (shoulders)? If not, is there any other peptide? I haven't been able to train for just over a year!
Should have never went on that diet 50, but yeah hgh helps almost everything from what I hear
Seriously I only listen to g unit, but don't take anything as a teen, ur body can heal naturally so quick and ur gh levels r still naturally high, older people usually do hgh, don't know how it will affect u post stats someone might be able to help
Its commonly used for Injurys. Also most insurances will cover it for recovery from an injury. But not as a theropy! Go figure that one. Problem is most doctors are some what nieve about it. I would recomend finding a doctor that specializes in sports medicine
hGH can have healing properties. Some of it also comes from the IGF-1 released from the liver when it's stimulated by GH. However, this should only be used in your 20's because your pituitary still hasn't reached it's peak until then, after which it begins declining. It's a dangerous game to play with hormonals before you're mature enough.

Fishoil can help joints heal, particularly the EPA. Try to get as much of that in your system.

You can also use a topical cream to help increase blood flow and immune response to specific areas to help increase healing. I'm going to try AgeForce's Muscle Recovery Gel since I got it free in one of their promos, I've got a bum shoulder that could use some help.